miracle thread

<p>@emilsinclair9 well that was back in 2005, he just graduated last year. Stanford alum(hahah he is writing my letter of rec for stanford). Yeah had pretty good SATs although I wouldnt call them stellar by stanford’s standards (2180). I managed a 2320 on pure luck but I dont think thats enough to get me into stanford.</p>


<p>You should consider getting academic renewal on those classes in 2003-2004 you have a good shot regardless being from the miltary</p>

<p>lol OOOH that’s the guy who wrote your letter of rec! haha it’s always interesting when there are parallels between threads. Yeah, I just chanced you, and in my opinion, you are a super competitive applicant for Stanford.</p>

<p>I have a 3.4 and I feel like I’m gonna get into UCLA as a Poli Sci major.</p>

<p>I completed ALL pre-reqs.
SMC student, but no tap.
Great EC’s.
Great essay.</p>

<p>yes SMCguy. you probably will get in, but that is not a miracle.
3.4 will get you in.
I on the other hand, need a MIRACLE lol.</p>

<p>@fall10 me too!!</p>

<p>@hanucol I also applied to Davis with a similar gpa, 3.1, but my major is more compacted than yours (Poli Sci). Wish you the best of luck; we got about a month left</p>

<p>My friend got into UCSC with a 2.4. He left a D on his transcript and had a bunch of W’s. He made up his F classes with C’s. Film production or film studies. No Tag. </p>

<p>I am a history major hoping to go to UCSB. I have a 2.4 right now but by the end of Fall 09 I should have a 3.0+. (I am taking 8 classes until then getting all A’s, I’ll be one class away from completing IGETC, I’m a SBCC student, good explanation for my low GPA, great upward grade trend, will be finished with all major requirements except 2)</p>

<p>Should I even apply this year for Fall 2010?..hopefully I get a miracle too!</p>

<p>@bme2684 yeah my boyfriend is also wanting to do polsci, he applied to Berkeley, Davis, USCB, and Sac State with a 3.2…I’m kinda iffy about him getting into Berkeley but he does have good EC’s, IGETC, and a job to make up for that. I wish you the best of luck too; did you TAG?</p>