MIS or Accounting?

<p>I'm going to University of Arizona and I was planning on majoring in Accounting and minoring in Finance. I just looked at Undergraduate</a> business specialties: Management Information Systems - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report and it says that U of A has the fourth best Management Information Systems program. What would be the best option?
A: Major in Accounting/Minor in Finance
B: Major in MIS/Minor in Accounting
C: Major in Accounting/Minor in Finance
When I look at the salary averages it looks like MIS major makes more money than accounting and since U of A is highly ranked for its MIS program should I choose option B?</p>

<p>well do u want to be an accountant or not</p>

<p>What? You obviously major in what you are interested in.</p>

<p>MIS is totally different than Accounting and it is definitely different than Finance.</p>

<p>Choice A or C (Don’t know why it’s duplicated) will be much more marketable AND you enjoy it more.</p>

<p>Sorry, C is supposed to be Major in Accounting/Minor in MIS. I’m just afraid that I wont make as much money if I choose accounting over MIS…at the college I’m going to…</p>

<p>take it from a guy who just graduated with MIS and can’t find a job…</p>

<p>major in accounting–its much easier to find work with</p>

<p>Thanks for the advise haoleboy.</p>

<p>Accounting is a lot more skill based and if you can pass the CPA you will have a very strong chance at getting a job. MIS is a lot more interesting, but just isn’t as safe. The problem with MIS is that you also compete against Operations Research, Industiral Engineering, Computer Science, and Systems Engineering majors. They have more technical backgrounds in college and are generally preferred for many jobs.</p>

<p>If you want to do accounting, then the rest is a moot point. MIS isn’t accounting. If you also have an interest in MIS, then you could pursue both (or accounting information systems) and get into IT auditing. Aside from that, if you want to get into IT, you don’t need much accounting and vice versa if you want to become an accountant.</p>

<p>BTW, rankings of individual majors within a college don’t mean a whole hell of a lot. This is especially true for MIS.</p>

<p>What did you end up doing OP?</p>

<p>I don’t actually pick my major until fall of next year. I plan on majoring in Accounting and probably adding a double major in MIS. As for a minor, I’m considering getting it in the Chinese language.</p>

<p>That’s a pretty good combo. You can do Accounting Informatino Systems.</p>