Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>A few thoughts that didn’t seem to fit on any thread (including my own “One Family’s Story” thread)…</p>

<li>A recent reminder of the uneven playing field BS AOs need to be mindful of.
The other day, I was walking through the Princeton U. squash gallery and overheard a conversation by two kids on a court. A girl, who appeared to be in her middle school years, replied to some question from a fellow player with the following, more or less verbatim, “Oh, Wednesday mornings are no good for me, I have chamber ensemble before school.”</li>

<p>My first thought about this overheard exchange was this “Wow, that is some esoteric stuff this kid is into at such a young age.” When I was in 8th grade, I was playing scholastic league soccer (badly), had already given up playing the saxophone, and had the following before-school commitments: Eat Breakfast.</p>

<p>Goes to show what a difference geography/socioeconomic status can make. And how Boarding School (as well as college) Admissions people really need to take this into account if the process is going to be anything close to equitable.</p>

<li>What not to wear, BS edition
I was sitting in the admission area of a BS mentioned occasionally (and not often enough, IMO!) on this forum. No, it was not SAS. And while the majority of applicants appeared to be wearing what I (and most people, I think) would consider to be appropriate outfits; one young woman was wearing an ensemble that both my wife and daughter felt compelled to mention on the ride home. Yoga pants, a tank top, one of those very open-knit slouchy sweaters, worn off the shoulder, and Uggs. I don’t care if you play squash and play cello like Jacqueline du Pr</li>

<p>Perhaps she just got out of dance studio?</p>

<p>I think it is things like this that cause much of the “panic” about BS applications on this board! :slight_smile: I guess we have to hope that the AO’s have ways of getting the best out of each applicant. I don’t know how they do it… if you try to compare “apples to apples”, it could prove difficult if one “apple” is at chamber practice while the next “apple” is at a bowl of Cheerios…</p>

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<p>SevenDad was she wearing this to be interviewed? If so def. not appropriate attire</p>

<p>@SharingGift: I don’t think so. And even then…</p>

<p>@London: I think the opportunities available to my own children are something I very much take for granted, living in relative proximity to a university town…so it was good to be reminded of the disparities that exist. FWIW, I do think AOs factor this stuff in. And as I noted somewhere here over the years…for the most part, we parents are doing the best we know how/can afford.</p>

<p>@NYCMomof3: Was definitely a prospective student…</p>

<p>Perhaps the girl was from a family with a socioeconomic background or profile that was unable to provide her the guidance to dress a certain way for a boarding school interview? I would imagine that the AO would put her attire into proper context just as they would need to do so for Wednesday morning chamber ensembles. ;)</p>


<p>We will never forget the girl who exited her admission interview and walked back with the AO to the reception area (where her mom was). The AO was still talking to her about her application, and the girl was actually checking her phone and sending texts. I thought her mom’s head was going to explode. My d’s take on the situation? “She must not care about whether she gets accepted here or not. Maybe her parents made her apply.”</p>

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<p>Good job, 7D, a promising thread has degenerated into the vile clothing discussion. Would anyone care to comment on whether or not kids should be doing their own laundry? ;)</p>


There are allowances to be made, I think, for dress. But these were that fancy brand of yoga pants that begin with an L…so I don’t think the economic part of the socio-ec factor was in play here.</p>

<p>That said, I think there is a part of it which ties back to what I observed in the Squash gallery (ugh, I hate myself for even writing that…“I observed Professor Plum in the Squash gallery with a candlestick.”). Not necessarily for the girl in my example, but in many other cases. </p>

<p>I don’t know where I’m going with all of this, btw. Hence, the title of this thread. I guess what I’m saying that it’s a complex issue.</p>

<p>But still, prospective students/parents…no yoga pants.</p>

There’s hope for this thread yet! ;-P</p>

<p>Only lazy, entitled, good-for-nothing kids send their laundry to wash and fold!!!</p>

<p>Yes, that was a joke.</p>


<p>BTW, I am interested in hearing other parents’ “misc. ramblings”….I know you have them.</p>

<p>Both of my kids have laundry service (cough). I look at their clothing as an investment… well, kind of. I found out recently they’re letting their friends (without service) send their clothing out in their bags.</p>

<p>So, before anyone brags about how well their child does laundry… I think there’s a BS laundry racket going on.</p>

<p>Now that I got that off my chest: What is a “Top” Boarding School?</p>

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<p>OMG, PhotographerMom has invoked the “nuclear option” by posing the “Top” Boarding School question!!!</p>

<p>We are surely going to get shut down now.</p>

<p>I call sabotage!!! ;-P</p>

<p>I have to confess I am absolutely laughing my head off. This is a perk of your kid being at BS… no one to notice when you do crazy things all alone in your house. :)</p>

<p>GG’s school does not offer laundry service, so it’s moot at this 200-year-old “hidden gem” (you know, not one of those “Top” schools).</p>

<p>That said, having ironed my share of dress shirts in the day, I could totally see the benefits of laundry service for busy scholars who have to wear jackets and shirts to classes… having seen some young peoples’ idea of “ironing,” I would assume that for many parents, the savings on burnt shirts alone would be worth the cost :)</p>

<p>As for the expensive yoga pants… there are, imo, limits to self-expression. Turquoise hair, okay— if that’s how you’re wearing it every day. As long as you dress for the interview in something that shows you care about it… </p>

<p>And Photomom, just think! This is a wonderful life lesson and amazingly altruistic behavior on your kids’ part. Unless, of course, they’re running a secret charge-by-the-piece operation ;-P</p>

<p>Regarding ironing…my kids can and do iron at home (I happen find it moderately therapeutic), but I would worry about having an iron in dorm room in the same way I’d worry about a hot plate. Wonder how many people’s kids have personal clothing iron (as opposed to rig in laundry room).</p>

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<p>Many schools don’t allow any heat-producing device in rooms. Chez GG, ironing gets done in laundry room or “alcove,” aka common room, using school-supplied iron and board. </p>

<p>Or… not at all.</p>

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<p>My son does his own laundry and so do many other kids based on the fight for an empty washer. If I found out that my son was sending his clothes out in someone else’s bag, I would nip that in the bud- essentially cheating-stealing however you want to look at it. I look at it from the standpoint of character. How can you expect kids to follow an Honor Code and then they turn around and cheat the laundry service.</p>

<p>I am not directing this comment at the person who posted the situation, I am just saying how I would handle it if it was my kids was trying to cheat the system. We agreed that possibly he can use the laundry service during Junior year when the heat is on. Until then, he will be deciding what to wear straight out of the laundry basket because I know it gets washed but I doubt it gets folded and put away.</p>

<p>Definitely ranking… we can diss the concept of “safety” vs. “Top Tier” schools or better yet, applicants and their obviously delusional families? ;)</p>