Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>How about a discussion on how threads are too quickly & easily shut down? ;)</p>


<p>How about: “which school has the TOP laundry facilities?” Would that do it? :)</p>

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<p>Parlabane will be so happy to know that my daughter does her own laundry without fuss.</p>

<p>(and how DARE you! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>It just occurred to me how few of us from the original laundry thread remain. It’s just an inside joke to most here.</p>

<p>PC: Everyone knows the “top” boarding school is the one that is the best fit for your student. Tee hee :)</p>

<p>1) I’m glad my boys don’t have access to an iron. They would probably try to heat food with it or take a simple ham sandwich from the student cafe and make it into a panini.</p>

<p>2) I think my boys are just helping out their fellow man. And they’re not sending out entire loads of laundry for other kids. It’s more like odds and ends and it doesn’t happen all the time.</p>

<p>3) Right after I posted my last comment, I received a random email blast from the laundry service. Spooky, right?</p>

<p>4) I was largely responsible for two (count them) SD threads being shutdown. Just in case we’re keeping score.</p>

<p>5) Choate is a safety school.</p>

<p>If you haven’t yet, I think you’ll learn there is no such thing as a safety school.</p>

<p>That was too easy :)</p>

<p>Laundry: ChoatieKid did his own laundry first year because, obviously, it was the morally correct thing to do (and you could buy a brand new washer and dryer for the price E&R Laundry was charging). Last year, Choate negotiated a price with E&R that made the service only slightly more expensive that what he paid in quarters first year so, obviously, the morally correct thing to do was let him use the service (no matter how badly laundered/lost the items were). Two weeks into this year, CK decides the service is crap and wants to do it himself. He takes care of the cancellation, and we tell him that, for being so cost-conscious, we’ll split the refund with him. Moral of the story: whatever ChoatieFamily decides regarding laundry is the morally correct thing to do.</p>


Good thing that is not a Choate policy or ChoatieKid would have nowhere to sleep. ;)</p>

<p>I think we should discuss why CHASED is the best acronym for the most highly pursued schools and why you should do everything you can to get your kid into one of them to ensure admission to HYPSM. It really isn’t worth the money for second tier.</p>

<p>(Obviously, none of us has anything better to do… Maybe we should discuss the pathetic lives of BS parents.)</p>

<p>I cannot believe you guys are resurrecting laundry, just as I’ve depleted my ranting reserves over on the FA thread…</p>

<p>Just saying. Now I must nap.</p>

<p>He started it. (Points finger at someone else.)</p>

<p>Ha. You and your politically correct CHASED ChoatieMom-. HADES! HADES! Rah Rah Rah!</p>

<p>I’d like to muse about how often boys change their sheets. That one got shut down with nary a nasty comment.</p>

<p>First you have to explain to them that sheets are necessary. Yes. Even the flat sheet.</p>

<p>I think SD will wake up tomorrow morning and find this thread in better shape than he left it. That’s gotta be a first.</p>



<p>About as often as they clip their toenails if CK is any indication. (Do you hear that, CK? I’m outing you. I can hear your toes clicking on the floor from here. Oh, and change your sheets.)</p>

<p>Okay. Maybe not.</p>

<p>Neato, you dreamer you. I gave up on flat sheets when my boys were five and had kicked theirs into a messy ball at the bottom of the bed for the 153rd time in a row. The use of the fitted sheet now…there’s a ideal worth fighting for.</p>

<p>And while we’re on the subject of laundry, anybody else pay for laundry service so that you don’t have to spend a week of vacation getting the stink of clothes left wet on top of a boarding school washing machine for three days and then tossed into the dryer? Hey…wait…I pay for laundry service…dang it, Parlabane!</p>

<p>Ah ha ha! I love this thread! I’m the lame one who pointed out that laundry was a social event at Choate, giving evidence of the sad lives of boarding school students to those people who like to pop in once in a while to announce that they would NEVER send their child away to school. Confess that the lazier of the Baystate kids used to occasionally throw a shirt into a rich kid’s laundry bag.</p>

<p>What, classicalmama! You pay for laundry service? You morally bankrupt parent you. (Said in a year ChoatieFamily is not paying for laundry service.)</p>

<p>Seems we’re a bit slap happy tonight. I’m outta here for now. See you all in the morning.</p>

<p>It’s all the free-flowing cash we have because of financial aid–might as well throw it at E&R. </p>

<p>The essays, they are calling me. Good night all.</p>

<p>Throwing this out here since i think we’ve exhausted laundry :)…How do you handle graded essay submission requests in an age where teacher’s grade essays online (google chrome, etc) and put their comments in that format? Am i being naive’ or missing something here? Does my child need to ask her teacher to print out, grade and write comments on a printed copy of that essay as well? I know this may sound like a silly question, but i want to make sure i do this correctly. How is this usually handled? Thanks for the indulgence!</p>