Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Thanks to your previous reminder on this, we have booked rentals for drop off, parents weekend and kiddo2’s BS tour week. Crazy to think all of those things are happening soon!

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My random addition to our parents thread:
My DD1 (ballerina who wants to dance on broadway) did an early scholarship audition earlier this month (for BFA Dance programs) and she just found out she got two college admission offers with artistic scholarships. It is SUCH a relief to go into college application process with some great artistic acceptances – the artistic college audition process is brutal (time/money/competition), so this is huge news from where I sit!
(and yes, this will be the third year in a row going through an admissions process with my daughters…kinda my life it would seem…)


We love going to Broadway shows. Hope to watch your daughter on the stage one day!

Congrats @Calliemomofgirls ! :tada:

Congratulations @Calliemomofgirls ! That’s a really competitive world and a big accomplishment!

Congratulations! That’s wonderful. Do you mind me asking where she is interested in going? My ballet DD has decided not to pursue it after HS :sweat: (after 3 years at a big company affiliated pre-pro)…. Sad but relieved not to have to combine college searches with auditions!

Congratulations! I am still trying to figure out how my kid might be able to do the same. If you have any tips on how to get an early audition or two I’d love to hear them.

Very quiet on this thread lately…

T’was one month before prep school
And all through this thread
Not a parent was stirring
Upcoming departures they dread?

The children were dozing all snug in their beds
While anxiety about schedules played with their heads
Yes - some parents nag about books to be read
In most houses the nagging is about packing, instead

Just wait for a few weeks
This thread full of chatter
By this time next year
You will know - it really doesn’t matter

What you wear to the campus
Which laundry service you hire
Which items to pack
Which EC’s you aspire

While right now this thread
Seems downright sleepy
In just 4 weeks time
Parents will post
“We are weepy”

So, enjoy these last weeks
With your kiddos held near
By late August you will be posting
Well prepped for the school year


Just dropped kiddo2 off at camp and his counselor is a recent Hotchkiss grad. He was so sweet to very nervous kiddo2 and was encouraging kiddo2 to look at hotchkiss in the fall (likely won’t happen). Anyway, it was sweet to see how passionate he was about his alma mater and I’ll be curious if kiddo2 comes home from camp with more schools to add to his list!


So glad your kiddo is at camp @cityran….my kiddo’s camp counseling position went bust this summer….but got a construction job, instead. Outdoor activities and bug juice included.


She is interested in musical theatre dance, so is auditioning for MT BFA’s and Dance BFAs and then will decide which to pursue depending on the program and the options (and me: the costs!). But she has been in ballet pre-pro full time for the past few years, so she loves ballet and needs to find a place that will let her continue leveled ballet training. It’s a hard combo of things to find in one program: ballet + other dance genres + singing + acting. Some of the programs where she is auditioning: Pace, Point Park, Boston Conservatory, Hartt, CCPA (chicago college of performing arts), and then a bunch more. She received artistic admission and scholarships to Montclair (outside NYC) and Dean College (outside Boston) for their BFA programs. Both would allow her to pursue dance as a major and then minor in musical theatre. So great options. But also: 6 months of crazy-auditions ahead in both musical theatre and in dance. Phew!


Good luck! My DD did Point Park’s summer intensive in 2019, it’s a great program. I am sad but glad my dd isn’t pursuing dance after HS (except maybe recreationally), I can’t imagine the pressure of auditions along with college applications.

It’s one month before drop-off……anyone else getting “crickets” about orientation, move-in, or opening days schedule? Wondering if other schools are still figuring things out given the uptick in COVID cases…or maybe the student life folks are still away for the summer?


If masks are required indoors again, I wonder how schools deal with dorm assignments. Will all kids have single rooms?

I would imagine they will follow rules that many college have put in place - masks are required in common areas of the residence, but not in one’s own bedroom area where only the roommate is present.


This is what was done at Lawrenceville. Also, in certain situations (such as large, in-person meetings), roommates could sit directly next to each other while non-roommates were required to space apart.

We had a move in webinar a week or two ago and received the move-in schedule for students and parents. Of course things have changed a lot in those few weeks. At that point in time, the school was hosting several parent events on campus on drop off day. I suspect many of those will be canceled and/or moved outdoor. We have a covid related webinar this week (planned months ago), so it will be interesting to see what has changed since the last webinar.

@G07b10 -
There is only so much room in the dorms, so it’s unlikely any school will switch to singles only at this point.

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The crickets are deafening….so I have another poem for this thread!
This one for the newly minted BS parents out there (to the tune of “Santa Claus is coming to town).

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better watch out
I’m telling you why…

Drop off day is coming up fast

We’re making the list
Checking it twice
Ditching the old stuff
Packing new stuff thats nice

Drop off day is coming up fast

No matter where you’re heading
To Choate, DA, or Taft :roll_eyes:
If you think you won’t get stressed out
Then you must be really daft!

So, you better prepare
Get your kiddo ready to go
Don’t worry too much
They will study and grow.

Drop off day is coming up fast.


Just got a tiny bit more information about drop off day. Disappointed that for my kiddo’s grade their check-in is 1pm with new parent meeting at 3pm. It is going to be a loooong 8.5 hour drive after that!

Hey everyone….this is an amazing story about 2 students from DA - one of whom had learned CPR while attending Eaglebrook a few years ago. We know both these boys.