Misdemeanor's affect on application

<p>How much will it affect my application if I have "yes" checked under the "have you committed any misdemeanors, crimes, etc" box?</p>

<p>My record is actually sealed but I want to write about how I changed from the experience in my main essay for the school. Will the fact that I committed a crime be held against me or will the college care more on how I have changed since?</p>

<p>^ I think if the record is sealed you legally aren’t supposed to disclose it on things like that. But consult a lawyer about it before you actually do check it.</p>

<p>Let’s say that I do disclose this information, will it hurt my chances of getting in because of my criminal history?</p>

<p>any thoughts?</p>

<p>Agree with Mr. Chaucer - your question is beyond the scope of this forum. Consult your family’s attorney or your local legal aid office. Best wishes.</p>