Misericordia U. in NE PA Still Has Some Spots in Direct Entry RN Program for Fall

<p>[url=<a href="http://www.timesleader.com/stories/Schools-nurse-grads-excel-at-test,239002?search_filter=nursing&town_id=1&sub_type=stories%5DSchools"&gt;http://www.timesleader.com/stories/Schools-nurse-grads-excel-at-test,239002?search_filter=nursing&town_id=1&sub_type=stories]Schools&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wow that’s a switch, we’re on the wrong coast!</p>

<p>I recently went to Misericordia for a summer nursing program, and I liked the campus. Personally, i feel like it is fairly small, almost too small. If you have decent ACT/SAT and GPA, then you will most likely be admitted–I wouldn’t say it’s very competitive. They start clinics fairly late, and I would say they do not have some of the latest technology that other larger schools have. Not to mention, tuition is fairly expensive…but the staff there was very friendly and I got to meet some of the nursing students, they were extremely nice to us high school students!</p>

<p>Tuition is about average for a private college. They have offered some 50% off merit scholarships.</p>

<p>My daughter is looking at Quinnipiac and College of NJ - we toured both. We liked both. Anyone have any feedback on either school? Thank you.</p>

<p>Quinnipiac has a very good Nursing Program but is pretty expensive. TCNJ has one of the most academically rigorous Nursing Programs in the Northeast so it does have an excellent Nursing Program. However I understand TCNJ is a “weed out” Nursing Program even though it is a direct entry program. They start out with about 80 students in the freshman year in Nursing and by the time the same class graduates it is down to about 40+. IMHO this is a ridiculous attrition rate for a school the academic caliber of TCNJ. Either they are incompetent in their admission assessment of applicants for Nursing or the program is administered in such a way as to end up with this result. You can decide which is more likely. Good luck in your search for a Nursing Program.</p>

<p>that is strange about CNJ, because it is very competitive for admissions. You would think that most of the students they would admit would be able to complete the program.</p>

<p>Mwallendmd or charlieschm, are you familiar with how expensive CNJ’s nursing school cost would be?</p>

<p>When I looked last year, out of state tuition was something like 29K a year. For that price, you can go to many direct entry private colleges. Someone had written that they may have cut back on some of the merit aid they had previously offered to out of state students, but there still was some.</p>

<p>Thank you. !!</p>

I know this thread is old, and I came across it by searching for “Misericordia”. My post has nothing to do with nursing because I was searching Misericordia for something else. But I need to set something straight. The College of New Jersey is not abbreviated “CNJ”. It’s “TCNJ”. I know the first word is “The”, but it is still part of the name. I’ve seen this several times on these boards, and if you’re not from NJ you wouldn’t know that’s what we call it. If you say “CNJ” in NJ, no one will know what you’re talking about (including me, untiI I caught on). Just sayin’. Thanks for listening! Have a great day! :slight_smile:

…uhm… OK. … did it used to be abbreviated TTSC for The Trenton State College?

No, it was just called Trenton State.