Missed Deadline by a bit

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>So this whole past week i've been with a sick family friend in the hospital. She died yesterday morning...the day when the bulk of my applications were due.</p>

<p>I got home at about 11 and got to work. My stanford application (stanford is my dream school....seriously) was submitted at 12:02. I had started clicking on submit at 11:45 but CommonApp kept on glitching and it kept on telling me that my responses were too long and crossed the character limit (which they didn't, and the counters said so to) but by the time it actually went through it was 12:02 and therefore January 2nd which means I missed the deadline.</p>

<p>Do you think I'll be penalized for two minutes? Should I call them or email them or just remain silent? I know that a lot of admissions offices were closed for the past week and a half, so will it make a difference?</p>

<p>2 min shouldn’t hurt you. but maybe if you saw the status of your application, if it is downloaded. Usually they download them the next day. I think you will be good as long as it is downloaded because if that was their last deadline, I doubt they’d download ‘dead’ applications, but I’m not sure…</p>

<p>But I would NOT emphasize you turned it in late by contacting them. Just let it happen, and don’t highlight it was late…it was only 2 min, your good.</p>

<p>This is why you should check out the college confidential forums more often- on the Stanford forum everyone had the problem with the character count. The supplement would only save if you left 15 characters or so for every essay, as several people mentioned on the Stanford forum, which you could have caught on earlier. I might have good news for you. The Stanford application was not due until Jan 1 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time. So that means if you are in a different time zone, like the East coast, as I am, you could actually submit it at Jan 2 2:59:59 AM, since that’s the equivalent of Stanford’s submit time in the Pacific. So your application is actually only late if you live in the Pacific. Oh and I’m sorry for your loss.</p>