missed the northeastern CSS profile

<p>the CSS deadline for the early action applicants for northeastern was 12/1, however i sent it out 2 days ago... does this lessen my chances for aid? becuase ive heard that the CSS Profile just gives you an estimated package, will i be ok as long as i submit by FAFSA on time?</p>

<p>CALL them and ask. or check with people on the msg board for that school</p>

<p>The schools that use the Priority filing date in Nov or Dec for the Profile usually use this to give their EA applicants an earlier financial aid estimated package. You need to call the school and ask them what’s up. My guess is that they will not process your financial aid “early” if that was their policy…as you missed the deadline. BUT I would guess they will process it with the RD financial aid awards. In any event…once you complete the 2008 taxes you will need to also amend that Profile to reflect accurate 2008 numbers. While you’re on the phone with them…find out what they want you to do to make those changes which cannot be done online. And yes…do the FAFSA too.</p>