Missing a FAFSA deadline

<p>The FAFSA and css profile deadline for Harvey Mudd College (where I applied) is Feb 1. Unfortunately I've barely started it and my Dad (who handles all our financial stuff) is gone camping for the weekend (he keeps his phone turned off so its impossible to reach him). If you miss the FAFSA/CSS profile deadline for a college does that automatically disqualify you for aid or what? I could probably complete it on my own but some of the info might be incorrect.</p>

<p>Also if the deadline is Feb.1, does that mean Feb. 1 at midnight? Would it be midnight PST? (since both Harvey Mudd and I are on the west coast) My dad probably gets home on sunday night like around 9, would that be enough time to complete it?</p>

<p>I know I'm a complete idiot for putting it off for this long but any help is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>is the deadline based on the day you submit the app or the day it will be processed…cuz i just submitted my app for feb 1 deadline schools and it said it will take 3-4 days to process…i’m not late right?</p>