Missing credentials

<p>I got an email today that I was missing my counselor statement and transcript (which I sent a month ago) but when I checked my application status on my UNC homepage, it didn't show any missing credentials. It said under my application status:</p>

<p>"Your application is complete. If the Admissions Committee needs any additional information, we'll contact you by email and on your UNC homepage. We currently plan to notify all applicants of their decision on or around the following dates: Early Notification Freshman - January 31; Regular Notification Freshman - March 31; Transfer - April 25."</p>

<p>The email contradicts my application status. The time difference is only 30 mins, with my application status on my homepage updated after the email was sent. So am I right in guessing that I was missing those credentials when the email was sent but then they filed it 30 mins later and updated my application. Lol, sorry if i'm freaking out a bit, it's just that my family has never gone through this application process for colleges so my parents are asking me to make sure everything is alright. I don't want to bother admissions with a petty question.</p>

<p>that IS strange. It is NOT a petty question and you should call admissions about it. Assuming you did everything right and did in fact send everything in, anything could have happened during the process of getting there and filing, etc.</p>

<p>have they actually updated the online thing, i dont think they have, it takes them a long time to do that. I would call them, cuz my transcricpt and all was lost before as well</p>

<p>I think they update it regularly. I overnighted a residency form yesterday and it showed up as arrived and in committee this afternoon.</p>

<p>If you're missing something, does it say you're missing it under the "check status" page on your unc homepage? Because under my "check status" page, I'm doesn't say I'm missing anything. It says that my application is complete, like I copied above and it lists my sat scores.</p>

<p>I would call b/c from my recent experience they have updated my unc homepage in record time and seem to be on top of things. if there is a big discrepancy, call!</p>