<p>so i applied ED, and i just checked my application status online. the website says that they haven't received/ haven't processed my secondary report/transcript. i sent it on 10/28 and the forms were due on 11/1...</p>
<p>it’s always safe to call to ask questions even if you have to wait on the phone alot and dedicate some time to the problem. Better safe than sorry i would say. Good luck</p>
<p>They are probably sorting, scanning and filing. If there’s anything missing, they’ll either contact you or your school. Relax and let them catch up. They aren’t gonna throw your file away, you know.</p>
<p>Go ahead and call the school - for your own peace of mind. We had two EA schools that were listing missing documents which mysteriously appeared during the phone call. Sometimes, just the call itself can make a person look in another file, especially if your documents began arriving before your application. Good luck!</p>
<p>rofl. I have a feeling mine are going to be “missing” for a few weeks, simply because my teacher and counselor are not going to have them done on time. My counselor isn’t even replying to my attempts at contacting her yet…</p>