<p>Ahh, I forgot write which AP tests under the section "AP Tests Taken/ TO BE TAKEN."</p>
<p>How much do you think it will adversely affect my decision? Will that be enough to reject me...?</p>
<p>Ahh, I forgot write which AP tests under the section "AP Tests Taken/ TO BE TAKEN."</p>
<p>How much do you think it will adversely affect my decision? Will that be enough to reject me...?</p>
<p>you could always call them up and ask to add additional information</p>
<p>but i don’t think not having them on there will matter (since they have your transcript along with your senior year courses, so they know what you’re taking and how rigorous your course load is)</p>
<p>Gah, I forgot to do this as well.</p>
<p>However, on the PDF/Printed version of the application, the prompt asks you to self-report scores. I had assumed to Date Taken/TO BE TAKEN portion really only applied to SAT/SAT II/ACT tests so the colleges know that they should be expecting more information pertinent to the admissions process, especially since they have transcripts of AP classes that the student is taking.</p>
<p>I’d only be concerned if they assumed that I wasn’t taking the tests because I didn’t put them down on the TO BE TAKEN basis, even though my school strongarms every student who takes an AP class to take the test. I’d feel silly taking up their time for something as slight as this, though.</p>
<p>I think Yale only skims the AP score / to-be-taken list so it shouldn’t make that big of a difference. Besides if you’re in a AP class, they’re going to assume you are going to take the test.</p>
<p>People make minor mistakes on their applications every year. Just write a short note or e-mail your regional rep with the corrections.</p>