Mistake on Cal State Application

I submitted my Cal State application and for my honors classes I put “honors” but I didn’t know that those classes weren’t weighted. I already emailed the schools I applied to about the mistake. However, I am still worried that I will get rejected. Will I be denied from the schools because of this mistake?

No, you will not be rejected for this mistake. Admissions knows people make mistakes so as long as you have emailed them, you will be fine.

Thank you. Do you by chance know CSUN’s college admissions email? I’m having trouble finding it online.

There is an online contact form on this page:

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Thank you so much

Keep any email documentation you receive back regarding the acknowledgement about the mistake.

I emailed CPP however, they replied with instructions on how to change my major instead of addressing my mistake. Do I email them again? I’m confused.

Yes, try emailing them again explaining the mistake. If that does not work, try calling them. They have a lot of students helping in admissions so if you do end up calling, ask for a Supervisor.

(909) 869-5299

Based on your HS, they will know which courses are approved for Honors but always better to make them aware of the error.

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I emailed all the schools I applied to and they said that once my application is submitted it cannot be changed which has made me a bit worried.


As I stated above, admissions knows which courses are approved Honors courses so I do not think it is an issue. If the HS transcript lists them as Honors, then there will be no discrepancy between the self reported information vs transcript.

Many students are not aware that their Honors courses may not be CSU/UC approved and it is not a reason for rejection or rescinding. You have contacted them so keep the email to prove that you made the effort to rectify the mistake.

Thank you for the much-needed reassurance.

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Sorry for bothering again. (I just overthink a lot) However, I just realized that since I marked some courses as honors it boosted my gpa. My weighted gpa is 3.96 but on the Cal State website it says 4.0. But like I said, I emailed all the colleges about accidentally marking the courses as honors. Thank you.

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It is a very small difference between actual and the CSU calculated. The schools will calculate the correct GPA. You have notified them so that is all you can do at this point.

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Thank you. I’m just worried because I know that GPA plays a big role in admission so this mistake might cause me being denied.

I agree with everything stated by @Gumbymom. The CSUs know that students make mistakes on the applications, so they confirm, as well as recalculate your grades.
Please don’t worry about that information, right now, because you’ll be stressed for the next four months. Do not delete the emails that you’ve sent to them because those will be your proof that you attempted to contact them. Keep up your grades in your classes. Focus on finishing out the year strongly. Good luck!!!


Thank you so much. I really needed this!

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