Mistake on Transcript?! UC and CSU's

Hi everyone,

I am in a dilemma. College decisions are coming out day by day, but just yesterday I noticed that something was wrong on my transcript. In 11th grade I took Algebra 2 and earned D’s both semesters unfortunately due to the teacher not teaching us efficiently. Because of this, I ended up doing summer school both semesters. One semester I got a B and the other I got a C. On my transcript, I noticed that my guidance counselor only imputed the B I got in term 1, but not the C I got in Term 2. Because of this, it seems as if I didn’t do anything to fix my grade in Term 2 during that summer. Now that I am a senior, waiting for college decisions this is really worrying me and I don’t know what to do. I’ve already faced some rejections, but thinking this could also be a factor in why I got rejected from certain schools. I have paper proof that I redid second semester and earned a C. Can someone please tell me what I can do in this situation? Thanks.

For the CSU/UC applications, didn’t you input the grades - including the remediated summer classes - within your initial application? Since the CSU/UC’s do not require and rarely request transcripts, I’m not sure how this is an issue.

For any other non-CSU/UC school(s), this could indeed be a problem, one that I would investigate as soon as possible.

You may want to contact the pending schools in questions immediately, as well as contact the schools that denied
you to see if that could have been the problem.
If so, you’d have grounds to appeal the decision.

@hop has given you sound advice. Did you input your repeat summer grades on the UC and Cal State Apply applications? For the CSU application, you only list the repeat summer grades but for the UC’s, you list both the original and repeat grades. If you listed everything correctly in your application then you should be fine. You just need to make sure your self-reported grades match your final HS transcript.

If you are concerned then contact the schools.

Thanks all for suggestions. I will definitely contact the schools and make sure all is OK.