Mistake on UC Application! Help?!

I just realized I messed up…bad. I’ve
qualified for every semester of CSF and on my application I incorrectly noted that I am a lifetime member, when this isn’t necessarily true, because in order to be that, you have to qualify for one semester of senior grades. Please help me, I don’t want them to think I lied, I literally was just misinformed. How do I contact them? I’m freaking out I don’t know what I need to do to get this changed. I’m really afraid now of them thinking I Lied. Please help me. What if they don’t get the email? Should I mail a letter? What do I do??

Relax. They don’t have time to thoroughly check every applicant, so chances are, you won’t be caught. I’ve personally known several classmates who had lied on their UC applications about various things like extracurriculars, volunteer hours, awards they’ve never received, etc, and weren’t caught/asked to be verified. However, since you’re making such a big deal out of it, it would seem that this advice most likely wouldn’t sit down very well for you.

I would suggest calling 'em up, explain the situation and then see where you can go from there.