Mistake to send subject scores?

<p>My son did pretty well on SATI. 2120 with 740 math and 730 reading. Had these scores sent to 3 ivy leagues he is interested in. Mom being new to this and probably not having researched enough, had him send subject test scores as well. By the time we checked them they had already been sent. Subject test scores weren't up to par. Perhaps should've waited until fall senior year. Will have him take again in Oct. and should improve. My question is this - will schools disregard the lesser subject test scores if subsequent scores are better? He will probably take the same ones again (math, physics) as these are his best subjects.</p>

<p>yes. they take best two.</p>

<p>Those that require subject scores usually use highest two to determine admission. The exceptions are Harvard and Princeton which have mentioned that though they require two they will consider any sent, which includes potentially considering lower scores against you. Both of those allow you to choose which scores to send them and do not require all scores.</p>