<p>just to intensify the level of our freak out, thougt it would be interesting to talk about all the mistakes we made in our apps. i personally just had 2 spelling mistakes here and there, but im reminded of that guy last year who wrote CLAM FART as one of his ec's for his appliacation to yale, and he GOT IN, so im looking forward to hearing about some funny mistakes =D</p>
<p>I forgot to change bellow into below for a science abstract i sent in. i wish spell checker could identify misuse of words haha. not exactly a funny mistake but definitely did leave me feeling stupid haha</p>
<p>desperate asian: are you a masochist?</p>
<p>Sit down and be quiet, you’re not helping yourself. :)</p>
<p>a little harsh…</p>
<p>cerberus : i go to a school where everyone is super uptight and i manage to be like the most chilaxed one (yea i know hard to believe eh lol)
we sit around and complain about IB and college and stuff liek that and that’s how i deal with stress i guess =D i’m actually doing fine. but if i do come off like a masochist,
yea i know. ppl at school call me a weirdo XD</p>
<p>yeah i left out the word “to” in a sentence. It occurred at the last second when I rearranged a sentence to make it sound better. Ironically I just made it sound worse with no grammatical sense.</p>
<p>Still, maybe they’ll read over it. I know I did. 5 times. haha.</p>
<p>if i could do this process again, i would not have applied to my number one school first. I would’ve filled out an application for somewhere else first just to get yself into it. I’ve noticed my last few apps have been filled out more diligently than the CU one.</p>
<p>I made a grammatical error “lay” vs. “lie” when I was rewording a sentence and forgot to change the verb to match accordingly, sigh. Oh, and I repeated a movie on the “List the films, etc. etc. you’ve enjoyed or over the past year” thing… La Vie En Rose. I’ll get over it, I suppose :-.</p>
<p>I haven’t reread my application once since I pressed submit… because I knew if I found an error I would just obsess over it and worry about it for six weeks.</p>
<p>same. haven’t looked at my app since submitting it, except briefly before my interview. i read it way too many times BEFORE submitting it to make me want to go through that again.</p>
<p>I’m the same with thebeef. I clicked submit and didn’t look back (except for the interview).</p>