Mistakes on UC application

I just submitted my UC application next week and I realized that I put A’s in for all of my second semester 9th grade year, when it was actually credit or no credit. I also put AP gov. for a full year, instead of one semester. Is the AP gov. class able to be fixed when the UCs send grade updates later? I have already emailed UC admissions and one school I have applied to about the credit grades. Do you think there is anything else I should do? And will this effect my chances of acceptance?

Thank you so much!

@monkey211: There are no grade updates for Freshman applicants later initiated by the UC’s, only for Transfer applications (TAU).

You have already emailed the schools so you will need to add in the information about Government course along with P/NP or CR/NCR course mistakes.

Some campuses do not allow any changes so keep any correspondence you receive. Yes, it could affect your chances for acceptance since there is no guarantee that the changes will be reviewed plus your self reported information should match your final transcripts.

Also note for some of the campuses that allow changes, you will have to set up your student portal first. Information to set up the portals may not be available until December/January.

Mistakes happen and the schools are aware that these types of mistakes are not intentional so keep the faith that everything will be alright.

Campus instructions & websites for reporting changes:

  • Berkeley will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Davis
  • Irvine
  • Merced - Click on the “myCourseUpdate” link.
  • UCLA - Some post-submission updates will be accepted. Visit the UCLA contact page for further details.
  • Riverside
  • San Diego
  • Santa Barbara will not accept post-submission updates. Any updates that are sent to our office will not be considered in the application reading process.
  • Santa Cruz
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Thank you for the information. I have seen people post about their mistakes, but I have not seen what the outcome was. Are there any updates on students who were rejected or accepted that made mistakes on their application?

@monkey211: Your mistakes would be considered minor vs. major mistakes. The CR/NCR classes in 9th grade will not be considered in the UC GPA calculation so there is no effect on this aspect of your application. 9th grades are reviewed to make sure that you have passed all the a-g course requirements which is true even with Credit classes. Senior year courses are evaluated for HS course rigor and completion of the a-g course requirements so listing a class as year long vs. semester will not be a huge issue. As long as you can show documentation you have alerted the schools to the mistakes, you should be fine.

Mistakes that would warrant rejection would be complete misrepresentation of HS grades such as a A grade reported but actually a C grade, not listing Senior courses in progress or planned especially a 4th year of English which is a hard line requirement or dropping an a-g course requirement or getting a D/F that results in the applicant’s ineligibility.

Over the many years that I have been on CC, I have seen many applicants that have made mistakes on their application and the majority end up getting acceptances.

There is always the appeal process after a rejection so if you have the documentation available, you can make a great case for yourself.

Best of luck.

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Hey monkey. I made almost the exact same mistake last year. tl;dr I was accepted to UCLA, I told them through the portal and they said it was fine.

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Congratulations on UCLA! Thanks for the reassurance.