MIT accepting 26 people off of the waitlist today, and rejecting all others

<p>I just read it on their blog. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I am one of the 974

<p>Off to Carnegie Mellon SCS.</p>

<p>There’s something questionable in that they were able to go from 1000->26 within only a couple days. I’m thinking those 26 applications might’ve been flagged beforehand–they couldn’t have gone through them all this fast.</p>

<p>I’m out too. I guess I’ll just have to settle for that school on the other side of the river ;).</p>



<p>Just a friendly note (if you’re going to be in Cambridge you might as well get the terminology right) - it’s the school up the river, not on the other side (we’re actually on the same side of the river - unless you mean BU, but I stalked your posts and you definitely do mean up the river =p). Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ll be heading to the better institute of technology on the west coast!</p>

<p>^ <em>eyeroll</em> Yes, I’m sure that’s why you elected to stay on the waitlist in the first place.</p>

<p>There are a lot of awesome schools out there, and a lot of people who were placed on the waitlist will go to them. That’s no reason not to handle rejection with a little grace.</p>

<p>^ You might learn to take a little jab with a bit more grace. ;)</p>

<p>^ Snarking at dumb comments is way more fun ^_^</p>

<p>I would only note that the actions this year (taking 26 and rejecting all others) is incredibly rare. What normally happens is that the schools take some number of students off the waitlist, release almost all of the others, but keep a tiny rump of students on the waitlist (who are essentially double waitlisted) to deal with those students who had committed to attend MIT, but who have now withdrawn that commitment based on their getting into their first choice school off of that school’s waitlist. Again, this is a normal part of admissions, and all of the schools understand that. This year, for the first time that I can recall, there are no double waitlisted students, which says something about this year’s yield.</p>



<p>Wouldn’t not taking any waitlisted students, as it had happened in the past, say even more about the yield?</p>

<p>our yield this year was incredibly (i think unprecedentedly) high.</p>

<p>Chris, do you know if it was over 70%?</p>

<p>@PiperXP from LA, were you rejected at caltech but accepted at mit? i’m asking this because you sound a little defensive when you said "That’s no reason not to handle rejection with a little grace. "</p>

<p>Heh, no. I didn’t apply to Caltech :P</p>