MIT, Caltech, CMU, USC Chances?

<p>I'm from the east coast, NYC suburb.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.173</p>

<p>SAT 1
Math: 770
CR: 570 (ugh)
Writing: 700</p>

<p>SAT 2
Math II: 750
Physics: 780</p>

Physics B: 5
Physics C E&M: 5
Physics C Mech: 4
Calculus AB: 5
English Lang: 3
In Progress: Calculus BC, Computer Science A, English Literature</p>

<p>Minor Hooks: Eagle Scout, Governor's School</p>

<p>Major Hook: Tons of web development experience as both a freelancer and within a company. I've held a paid internship under a prestigious search marketing company since the summer for a startup project. I work primarily with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX. I've expressed in my application that I hope to one-day own a business that specializes in creating new interactive media.</p>

<p>At MIT and CalTech I applied to Computer Science
At CMU I applied to Computer Science, but stressed in my aplication that I was very interested in the 3/2 CS BA program they offer.
At USC I applied to the Computer Science and Business Administration Program</p>

<p>I've already been deferred from MIT and Caltech.</p>

<p>So what do you think my chances are? Feel free to ask any questions you'd like</p>


<p>That CR score really kills you, because the rest of your scores are great. USC and CMU are a reach simply because of that. You would be in if it were higher</p>


<p>Can’t say I didn’t see that coming. I’m a slow reader, always have been, and it kinda screws you over on the SATs. Doesn’t matter how accurate I am if I have to omit 10+ questions a section (and I actually am very accurate). I actually tutored for 3 months specifically for SAT CR and the score dropped 40 points.</p>

<p>Given my desired major, and my extensive EC’s related to that desired major, is it possible they’ll overlook the CR score? Which of these schools place the most weight on EC’s and therefore have a greater chance of ignoring the CR?</p>

<p>MIT’s a bit of a reach… They don’t really care about SATs that much unless its down near like 600… but you still have a chance because of your other credentials…</p>

<p>How about your essays? Anything showing creativeness is a big plus…</p>

<p>A potential hook at MIT is my brother going there. But his application was a bit more typical, great academically but no real focus within his ECs. My app is completely different.</p>

<p>I was able to submit an entire essay to MIT and CalTech about one of my personal projects, creating the first live, two-player, online games compatible with the iPhone and iPod Touch. Unfortunately the website is now down, but I was definitely able to portray the success of the site in my essay. There is a brief mention of this project in my apps to CMU and USC as well.</p>

<p>I love cars, specifically manual cars. I am a moderator of an online drag racing game with 650,000+ users. This tidbit came across most prominently in my CalTech application, but in my other apps as well.</p>

<p>At USC I answered the question about passion, and selected “creating” as my passion. I basically discussed how I transformed from building models with K’NEX to building websites, first very simple and now very advanced.</p>

<p>Hooks at USC and CMU are that they both offer joint Computer Science and Business Administration programs. My application at both these schools was focused on these programs and how they are perfect for my desired career path (eventually owning a business that specializes in interactive media).</p>

<p>And I’m not sure if this helps, but I’m not eligible for financial aid.</p>

<p>The CR score might be ok for caltech. I saw a range of CR scores somewhere as 460-800, so obviously they take SOME people who bomb SAT-I CR. (math was 640-800, and those are 0%-100% ranges, not 25-75.)</p>

<p>How bout USC?</p>


<p>guess it doesn’t look too good :/</p>

<p>The CR score is holding you back. Good ECs. You do have a shot, just word hard on your essays.</p>

<p>Please help me out?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think Caltech is a little out of your reach, but you should have good chances at CMU and USC. Even with the low CR your SAT is still 2000+ which is great. In addition to that your ECs are phenomenal.</p>

<p>Thanks. CMU and USC are really the schools I’m after because of their joint CS and BA programs. USC especially because they offer a 4 year program while CMU is 5, and I love the prospect of living in Southern California. My main fear is the schools dumping my app after seeing the CR score.</p>

<p>Try practicing a lot and pulling the CR up. I’ve got the same problem except the 570 is in writing, which is less important (although my M is only 650 and CR only 690).</p>

<p>I have a thread too…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is retaking the CR even an option anymore? I figured I’m stuck with my current scores. How high would I need to bring it up? (For USC mainly)</p>

<p>I think most schools take the jan sitting of the SAT (I think all your applying to? but im not sure). Practice up a LOT and I mean LOT. If you do it enough, you kind of memorize what every type of question is, and it all turns into a big joke of fill in the blank.</p>

<p>Because of superscoring, even if your other two go down, your good. Try and break 650ish for good measure, but any number in the 6s looks better to them than a 5.</p>

<p>USC’s 25-75 stats for CR are: 620 - 720
I dont think they care about CR as much for eng/comp sci as for the soft “sciences” and liberal arts.</p>

<p>As a USC mom, I agree, it’s worth is to take the SAT again in Jan. Are you a US native? Or are you a recent immigrant to this country? Do you have dislexia? “I’m a slow reader, always have been”[ Just trying trying to figure out your CR score]</p>

<p>Yes I’m US native and I don’t have any known reading disorder. I’ve been told I have a “difference” but I’m pretty sure that was just to make me feel better about myself (even though I never really felt bad about myself, lol).</p>

<p>I’d really love to pull up my reading score, I just don’t see how it’s possible. I’ve done tons of tutoring, across many tutors and over many years, to try and improve my reading scores but it just wont go up. This has been a “problem” for me since elementary school. I can’t imagine it affecting me in life beyond my SAT scores, but unfortunately SAT scores count for a lot in college apps :(. I’ve tried every technique from skimming the passage, to reading the passage along with the questions, to reading the questions than the passage, to not reading the passage, to memorizing the “types” of questions. It never seems to work.</p>

<p>Considering I’m applying to the Computer Science and Business Administration major, do you think my CR score will hurt me more than if I was just applying to Computer Science?</p>

<p>Also, does USC offer some kind of major by major selectivity report? I’d love to see a major by major acceptance breakdown.</p>

<p>I think your application will be outstanding and pretty competitive for MIT and Ivies, if only your reading was … maybe above 700? Super score your SAT, and get a 2200+ if you are lucky, and I think your extraordinary extracurriculars can pull you into some very prestigious colleges.</p>

<p>And also, if you are naturally bad at taking reading tests, that just means exactly that–you are bad at taking reading tests. Your low score on CR does not make you a bad reader.</p>

<p>I recommend the ACT for you (probably too late now), because the Critical Reading section on it is usually deemed easier by a lot of my peers (and myself). Math on the ACT seems easier as well (and your math skills looks up to par). The only problem is the grammar and science portions, but grammar can be mastered pretty easily as it is mostly common sense. The science is a bit tricky, and it requires a bit of reading on your part. Seeing your SAT II scores, however, leads me to believe that you would do pretty well on the ACT, perhaps in the 32-34+ range. That, to most colleges, will probably impress them more than your bombed CR score.</p>

<p>P.S. Try to determine exactly what the Author’s message is. If you think like the author, you will master the passage. Do the test objectively, and use only the information that is stated/ implied in the passage. Do not use your subjective knowledge to skew your answers on CR problems.</p>

<p>I’d really love to pull up my reading score, I just don’t see how it’s possible. I’ve done tons of tutoring, across many tutors and over many years, to try and improve my reading scores but it just wont go up. This has been a “problem” for me since elementary school. I can’t imagine it affecting me in life beyond my SAT scores, but unfortunately SAT scores count for a lot in college apps . I’ve tried every technique from skimming the passage, to reading the passage along with the questions, to reading the questions than the passage, to not reading the passage, to memorizing the “types” of questions. It never seems to work.</p>

<p>Well, it may have to do with what you have been reading [ i.e the quality and quantity of the books you read] and if you are a frequent reader. Those who read a lot for pleasure generally have higher CR scores. And it may have to do with your reading comprehension- i.e "I’ve been told I have a “difference” . This is usually not mentioned to someone with learning differences to make them “feel better”. It’s usually mentioned as a reason or an explanation for reading difficuties, not as an excuse.</p>

<p>bmwguy, we seem to have a lot in common~
bombed CR score(560) but a lot ECs and other stats great~
I’m also applying to CMU and USC (CEE major) (my sister’s in USC now)
But I’m Chinese, not a native speaker
I’m thinking we can share some more information if you like~
where else have you applied to?</p>