MIT Class of 2010 Official Countdown Clock!!!

<p>Hmm I need to storm the refrigerator.</p>

<p>caltech? i didn't apply, but how does it look? the only person i know from caltech is the biggest geek ever, but i'm sure he's not the <em>average</em> person there. if so, god help you if you don't get into MIT.</p>

<p>I wonder if i can get away with playing CS right now.
btw, how many posts until you are a "Member" instead of a "Junior Member?"</p>

<p>wow 40 min insides are hurting ....good luck everyone</p>

<p>Well guys Who got In!!!!</p>

<p>You all need to get on AIM and join a chat, and not have to refresh the page so often.</p>

<p>You know what would really suck... If we manged to bring down the server and couldnt find out till monday. Waiting for a decision online at a specified time is bad enough imagine having to wait for the mail which could arrive anytime</p>

<p>haha werd (10char)</p>

<p>oh man if the server went down....i think i would die of suspense</p>

<p>i meant to killdeerfly's comment... the server will be alrite :]</p>

<p>AtoZ.........I'd have to find you</p>

<p>Hehe, bringing down the server would be a team effort, I could never pull it off alone ;D</p>

<p>P.S I might wait about 5-10 mins before checking (If I can contain myself) to prevent such a thing</p>

<p>How bout we get an AIM chat going... It might help burn the time</p>

<p>don't DDOS it lol</p>

<p>unless you go to MIT :D</p>

<p>Nah, it won't die. I bet it will just lock up. Either that or it will work really slowly and timeout frequently.</p>

<p>Ok guys post your SN</p>

<p>I think the clam L guy's butt exploded</p>

<p>my SN is my CC name
IM me right now i'm bored as hell</p>

<p>Think you got the wrong idea dude I would never ddos a decisions page very easy way to make many enemies :D, I meant the traffic bringing it down </p>

<p>33 mins...</p>