MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Hey everyone,

I didn’t see a thread for this, so here it is.


I got my interview today and I think they’ve started to roll out interview requests.

oh that’s nice. It means we may also hear back about our interviews soon.

btw, I have I have a major update to my application (though not confirmed, but the final decision will come by this week and I’m 99% sure that I’ll get through).
So, how can I update them about this, like seriously this is something big and can boost my chances.

you go into your application portal, there should be something like “update your application”. all colleges have it

Oh nice!!! I believe you can fill out the February Update Form to let them know aobut any major changes:

That one is only for data updates (like name, SSN, Address etc)

Actually I’ve come up with a method to prove the Goldbach Conjecture, and it provides us new insights into the topic. I’d submitted the manuscript yesterday.

In the paper, I’ve not proved the conjecture but rather converted it into an easier hypothesis to prove. If that hypothesis is proved, it will automatically imply that Goldbach’s conjecture is also true. I’ve shown a way to prove the conjecture by proving the hypothesis (although I can’t prove the hypothesis by myself until now as the proof will require partitions and combinatorics, and I only have very basic knowledge about them).

Same here! I got an email from an alumna only 22 hours after I submitted my application, so I was wondering how quick admission officers were…

When you complete your application your contact info is given to the alumni who do the interviewing. It is a matter of how quickly the alumni person is as to when you hear back.

There is a problem that there are more applicants than slots available for interviews. So, some applicants won’t get assigned right away and some will be passed over. It has nothing to do with how good a candidate for MIT they are, only a numbers game. MIT realizes this and will not penalize one for not getting an interview. The moral of the story is that the earlier you get your application in, the better chance for an interview. Moot point for this year’s RD cycle.

Our MIT portal seems to only show green check marks for Transcript and Recommendation letters and a red cross for February updates.
Does the MIT portal not have a field for the counselor letter and/or school report? Or am I missing something?

There is another box underneath “Manage recommendations and School Report”. If you click on that you’ll see if recommendations and counselor report were submitted.

I’d like to disagree lol. I submitted my application 10 minutes before the deadline and I have my interview scheduled for next week.

Interview went amazing! We connected a lot since I am interested in doubling up in humanities and STEM which he did, and he said he’d write a good report…



I stand by my comment on getting your application in as soon as possible. EC’s are notified when an applicant has completed their application and at the same time the applicants info is made available to the EC. As soon as I get the info on an applicant, I send out an email to begin setting up the interview. In some regions there are more applicants than ECs have time to interview. Therefore, being early gives you a better chance.

You maybe in a region where there isn’t a shortage of ECs or the EC just pulled your info out first.

I had no applicants in the RD round (after having 6 in the EA round) for my assigned high schools. I therefore have been pulling applicants out of the overflow pool since interviews are virtual and location doesn’t affect them (other than time zone considerations). There are still a lot of applicants in that overflow pool.


I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were an MIT interviewer. There are a lot of anxious parents on CC spreading the wrong information and that’s why I was kind of skeptical about your post.
Yes, I’m sure the location doesn’t matter because I reside in India whereas my interviewer lives in Kansas City. However, I believe this is because I’m enrolled in an online high school that is based in Kansas City.

I should note that about 90% of the applicants I get in my list finish their applications on the last day. I have always been able to interview all on my list. But that is not the case for all ECs.

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Yeah, I get it!
If I may ask, how much value do these interviews really hold? Like could it make or break an application?

Hard for me to say how much value an interview has. Being that I take time to do them, I believe they are valuable but I am not the one making admission decisions. Also, MIT does not require an interview and states that not having one will not affect your admission. MIT kind of has to think that way because there are not enough ECs to interview all the applicants.

I believe the value in the interview is that MIT can get to know the person behind the GPA and recommendations. Something those things do not provide and could provide a boost in comparing applicants. It is also a vehicle for the applicant to get to know more about MIT and help them decide whether MIT is really the college for them.


Yeah, I’m sure they certainly hold significant value!
I have my interview in an hour so I guess I’ll be able to learn more about MIT then!
Thank you for your response : )

please know that your “validation” is probably not worth a publication in academia. Frankly, I think it will hurt your application to show MIT a paper that does not hold any values.
P.S. are you talking about W(X) = Σ1/ p(∏ (q-2)/q) as the proof?