MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

STATS: 1520 SAT, 4.53 W, 3.91 UW GPA, regional awards in stem, applied for EE

i got into UCI and Cal Poly SLO anyways so I have good options :slight_smile:


Daughter got it! Had 36 act. But only a handful of APs as her school didn’t offer many. She did do SSP and a lot of self learning.


Son did not get in and he is understandably bummed right now. Barry Bonds swung and missed on many hanging curveballs. Every NFL team, including the Patriots, missed several opportunities to select Tom Brady who eventually went in the sixth round. Jensen Huang, of Nvidia fame, went to Oregon state. MIT will get over missing out on you.

Reasonable and even grand dreams ought never to have been dependent upon getting into one particular school. What will eventually become of you has always been and always will be much more about you and your choices rather than what school you got into after high school.

If this stings, you’re angry or sad, that will probably soon fade as you begin to concentrate and feel good about the new opportunities on the horizon. There are tons of great schools. If you were a serious candidate for MIT you will get into one of them. If you don’t, then you should reassess your thoughts about yourself and/or how you define what great schools and opportunities are. If you remain angry or bitter, use that chip on your shoulder as fuel as you begin to fulfill the promise of your potential. Besides winters in Boston can be brutal. Congrats to all of those who got in.


My son got waitlisted in MIT. He is disappointed as he was Top 20 USABO and had excellent GPA and SAT. How does waitlist work and does it matter?

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Well, you know there is a parallel universe in which we all are accepted, so … cheers !!!


Does anyone know what the acceptance rate was for RD? The acceptance letter in the portal doesn’t say.

Last year 0 on wait list got in. Be prepared for other option


Congratulations to those you got accepted! All the best and hope you make best use of the opportunity! To the remaining 31500+ kids, this was just one of many options! Many of you will be exceptional wherever you go and will make an impact in this world! Just do your best wherever you Go!


Thanks for the info lemonlulu. Now I know what to expect…rather not to expect.

Off the waitlist ranges from 0 in 2018, 26 in 2017, 14 in 2016 and 52 in 2015. Not many overall but if your S is interested send a letter of continued interest and any additional awards etc…that have occurred since he applied and if true tell admissions you’ll accept if given an offer to attend.

And then get excited about a school that’s already shown the love!

My S21 also got denied MIT. He got accepted at U-Mich and Georgia Tech and UMD with Full BannekerKey Scholarship and yet to decide. He seems to be inclining towards GATech for now.


719 students were admitted EA. so 621 RD. About 10,000 of 15000 EA deferred to RD plus additional 18000 RD applicants, so 621 out of ~ 28000 total. 2.2% :slight_smile:


Rejected !!!
Now waiting for the Princeton and Stanford.

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I’m sorry. Good luck with the others. Hope you get in. :goat:


With a ~2% acceptance rate for RD, That’s historical low. Also read somewhere they had to make space for students for last year who may have taken a gap year due to not being on campus the freshman year. I mean who would want to miss MIT’s campus life. Odds are not in our favor. That’s why please be happy with where you get in and make the best use of your opportunity. Hopefully y’all applied to many options!


yup, I’m currently waitlisted at U-Rich and I think that I might get off the waitlist.
Also, from Reed, Macalester and F&M, I think that I may get into one.
It becomes a bit difficult for me as an international, who got to know about US application in only October 2020.
I have Princeton, Yale, Brown and Cornell; but don’t expect much from Ivy’s. And at last, Stanford


My son got rejected too.
He is also a dancer and international level figure skater. SAT 1570 with 98.8 school average. President of NHS and President of Dance Honor Society, HOBY Ambassador. Hard to absorb.


That’s a good diversity of colleges. Surprised you didn’t consider any UCs. Good luck with all of those.

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Sorry to hear. That’s amazing SAT score. I’m sure he will get in other top colleges.

I heard UCs don’t give good aid possibilities to internationals, but could be wrong. That might be why he didn’t apply.

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