MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

We’re just Pi-time away, i.e. 3hrs. 14min.


Best of luck to all of you from the CC staff!

Here’s a poll to report decisions!

I also added a little timer to this page to help make the wait even more agonizing :rofl: . Here’s a screenshot:

(you’ll need to refresh to see it. you can also close it)



I got to know on r/A2C that the portal has been updated for EA deferred applicants.
Could someone confirm ?

yeah it just shows the “wait is over” page, but the update shown is just the EA/defer update not RD update. Some people have reported admitted students checklists which is what im more curious about

Admitted students checklists? Who sees that on their portal?

I can’t see it
If someone has it, can they please share the screenshot

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I saw an admitted students checklist about 15 mins ago but then it disappeared. Had a button to reply to offer of admission. May have just been a glitch. Did this happen to anyone else?

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do u have ss or something ?
It came to some on r/A2C

Well it disappeared as I think the AOs noticed the glitch and fixed it asap, or may be just they were testing out something, no one knows

28 minutes!!!

Imagine the arrogant nerds at MIT making such a big mistake. Someone will get in trouble for that.

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yeah … dANG it’s already 6

there are reports of portal being updated, saying wait is over
It was for EA deferrals, but someone wrote that he is RD and can see the message saying wait is over.

Any guesses, anyone ?

im an ea deferral and it says the wait is over but i think that is for everyone

it’s not for RD ones, it is for EA ones.
Well, we are going to find out in tau-pi minutes (3.14*6.28 = 19min. approx)


Decisions coming in π^2 minutes (9.86 minutes) !!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


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