MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

All those who got rejected, you’ll surely get in somewhere you really belong to
One of the most famous professors of physics, Sir Walter Lewin was faculty at MIT, but he did his undergrad and grad in his home country, and just came to MIT for post doc.
It is not the institution that makes you, it is quite the opposite as students are the ones who make the institute … you yourself who can do wonders, with determinism and hard work.

Give yourself a pat on the back, and move on for the rest of the day with a large smile on the face. :grin:
Don’t let this 1-single Rejection interfere with what possibilities lies in front of you.


thanks for the kind words and reassurance. really means a lot

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Also rejected. My dd is 16 years old. Act 35. Weighted GPA 4.62. Unweighted 4.0. Will have her assoc in engineering in a few weeks. Has taken math through dif eq already.

I got waitlisted, huh??? I literally applied as a joke did not even expect to be considered lol considering my stats


all the best for her future pursuits :grin::grin::grin:

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Daughter admitted !


Congrats !!! :partying_face:

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S21 got rejected. First outright denial. He got waitlisted to Chicago on Friday so it’s been a tough weekend. Hopefully we will get some admits in the next couple decisions to prop up the mood.


Surely, may this week bring good news and lift up the mood of all. :hugs:


Denied. The # of applicants was astounding. The odds were never in our favor, but this was an intense uptick.


Same for DS. Rejected. Age 16, 36 score, 4.0 uw. Proud of his application anyway; they’ll be where they are meant to be. Good luck!

Congrats to those accepted! For those who were waitlisted or rejected I promise you it gets better. You’ll fall in love with wherever you get in and remember this is only one school and the same committee isn’t looking at your application at different schools. Weirder things have happened than someone getting rejected from MIT and getting in somewhere else equally as good.

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Same for my S21. Denied MIT after deferral in Dec, Waitlisted UChicago. Bright spot is accepted to Georgia Tech yesterday. He was also accepted to UMich EA in Jan.


I am happy for you but why did you apply as a joke if you are not serious about MIT? And post about how you didn’t take it seriously when so many on this thread have put in a lot of effort and taken it seriously? Just some perspective to think about as your post may be disheartening for those that took the process seriously.


Does he have a preference–GT vs. UMich? My son was accepted at UMich and waitlisted at GT. He’s trying to decide if he wants to send a LOCI to GT.

He is still processing all of this. Loves Michigan from all he knows and since he is musically inclined, The Music program is also enticing but I think he will want to visit and I am hoping we can over his spring break. So hard for these kids to decide sight unseen. What attracted him to apply to GT? If it is a place he is excited about I would send in a LOCI. Good luck!

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My S21 also got a MIT deferral followed by a rejection today. But, like some others above, was accepted to GT and Michigan. Tough choices!

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You’re completly correct, it was wrong for me to be this condesending towards the other applicants here that actually worked hard. It’s just that from my rationale, I applied with a 3.3 Unweighted GPA, 3.6 Weighted, no test scores, decent extracurriculars but no breathtaking activites or any international / national awards, so like I thought it was just a “joke” for me to even apply, like there was no way they were going to accept me and I just merely applied to say that I applied to MIT. I do have UChicago RIBS, UC Berkeley summer program, and UCLA international development insititute, but I thought that having a bunch of B’s and a few C’s manifesting my transcript would’ve made me a “throwaway” application as soon as MIT downloaded my application into their database.


i got rejected… was a long shot anyways

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They all have great choices and will be successful wherever they go. It is a disappointment for the moment. They will all end up loving wherever they land.