MIT Class of 2027 Official Thread

Looks like everyone. This is odd that they are not paying attention to the selection. You could potentially decline I would imagine.

Did anyone complete their interview within the scheduled time? Or did it go over?

I think MIT has stated in the past that not being offered an interview is not a bad sign and would not be held against you but declining an interview that was offered is generally not helpful.

My dd (admitted EA ā€˜27) had an interview that was under 45 minutes but was very positive.

I donā€™t have tons of insight into MITā€™s interview process as I was never a potential MIT applicant (the engineering genes skipped a generation or two) but I do know that in Yaleā€™s process the interview is more to keep alumni engaged and to pre-convince the admitted students that they should accept. I attended a workshop many years ago where admissions went through various cases and showed us how our reports contribute to their holistic decisions. Only in some cases where the application has some inconsistencies that could be resolved by an interview does the interview play a greater roleā€¦or the rare occasion where an interview is so stellar that it sparks a second look or so terrible that it causes a reconsideration.


Just wrapped my interview earlier today, lasting over an hour. Pretty standard interview, although he did ask a few weird questions like ā€œif you were a fruit, what would you be?ā€ or ā€œif you could go back in time to any time period for a day, where would you go?ā€. Although it was pretty stiff at first, he loosened up and talked more about his work experience and how MIT shaped it. He said ā€œyou seem like a great for MITā€. Hopefully it went well, as recently it seems that good interviews donā€™t always signal a decision.

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Yes, we could have declined. My son decided to give the interview. He has his interview on Monday. Hope it goes well :crossed_fingers:


Is anyone here from Canada?


There are some people on CC who are in Canada.

I was originally from Canada, and attended MIT as an international student from Canada. However that was a long time ago, and I have lived in the US for many decades.

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Hope it went wellā€¦

It got postponed to Wednesday evening.

My son got an interview mail, I wish he had a alumni who has graduated recently so he could ask questions about college life, fun stuff etc. But thankful that he got one. Though, this forum and others have repeatedly emphasized that the interviews do not matter, my son would be worrying if somethingā€™s wrong with his application if he didnā€™t get one. So far so good.

My son applied EA and was deferred, so he had his interview back in November. His impression of his interview was that the interviewer mostly talked about himself and interrupted him a lot. He sounded like he was eager to talk about MIT and reminisce. He had some cool stories to tell. He was an older alum. As a result my son didnā€™t feel great about the interview. Heā€™s not a naturally social or easy talker so I can imagine that made him insecure. Weā€™re curious about the feedback he would have providedā€¦ ā€œgreat listener!ā€

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Interviews are all very different. D23 has had 7 so far. D21 had 4. H and I both interview for our college, so we know the drill and try to do the best job we can to make it a positive experience for the student, and we take time with our write-ups. But yes, some alums are very good at interviewing and keeping the focus on the candidate while also being a positive representative of the school. Others ā€¦are not. D had one who kind of trashed students from her own alma mater. One was conducted partly in a foreign language. Some take lots of notes, some donā€™t seem to listen at all. it is what it is: students just have to do the best they can and realize the interview is a very small part of the holistic application process.

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What other colleges interview did your DD have? How were they in comparison to MIT. We applied to all colleges January 1st havent gotten an interview yet. Crossing our fingers

Will DM you

Are your children getting in person interviews?


For MIT, the common data set says that the interview is ā€œimportant.ā€ By contrast, at Yale, it is just ā€œconsidered.ā€

Here is that CDS section for MIT:

And here is the same section from Yale:

My daughter had an alumna who was even older than me and her father. Although she could not speak to current campus activities, they had a great conversation.

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It went well. The interviewer said that he would write good review about my DS.


It was virtual.


Same here, the alumna graduated from high school, the year i was born. Hoping it goes well.

My son applied 1/3/23. Still no email requesting an interview. Bad sign?

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No,no. not at all. MIT and other posters here have repeatedly emphasized that interview is purely due to availability of alumni in that area. Nothing to do witht he application itself.