MIT Class of 2027 Official Thread

Son’s interview was about 90 minutes. It was a second attempt since the first alumni could not find a mutual time to meet someone else.

He said the questions were very open ended and not specific to academics. Just random interesting getting to know you, hypothetical questions.

My school accepted 3 people EA. Although i had a good interview, I’m honestly super scared b/c im not sure they will have enough space. There are simply too many qualified students from our area- there are other schools with equally or better students. Looking at Naviance only 3 students max were ever taken, no more. I know things can change but I don’t want to get my hopes up i guess.


MIT does not have quotas for any specific schools. Each applicant stands on their own merit.


Is there any deadline for submitting MIT FUN Notes and Forms?



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Thank you!

Yes, I believe it was Feb. 6 or 7.

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Thank you. my son submitted them. :crossed_fingers:

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Did anyone submit supplemental arts portfolio, or know anything about the music program at MIT?

DD submitted for one of her arts. She’s concertmaster of the orchestra and also has extensive dance experience as well as moderate musical theater experience(with a dance focus): MIT has many opportunities for performing arts, including music groups, based on their tour/info session etc. We have no personal experience with the program.

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I submitted! State-level pianist, got a note from Cornell music professor saying he really enjoyed my recordings, so hopefully bodes well for all those schools I submitted my music to.


I’m just wondering about the “climate” for musicians at a science school. I think MIT really appreciates students who come in with background in the arts, but is it a place where an artsy type could thrive…? I found an thread about students being able to take classes at NEC but it was pretty old so not sure if that’s still relevant.


I submitted one for music with recordings of my flute. It wasn’t amazing, but I think I’m a pretty decent flutist and I discussed music in one of my essays. The music portfolio’s pretty involved so it was a lot of unexpected stress to get the recommendation and make a music resume last-minute.

MIT seems to have a good music program. Their symphony orchestra also takes members from the community, though it prioritizes students, and seems to be pretty competitive. Same for many of their other ensembles. There are student led groups as well, including quirky ones like their popular “Video Game Orchestra.” You can earn credit for participating in many of their ensembles, or play/sing in the ensemble for no credit if you prefer. They have a few musical theater opportunities as well, though not exactly a ton of theater groups. Obviously you’re not going to have many music majors, but there seem to be plenty of kids who are passionate about and dedicated to music.


My interviewer told me music is the most minored subject at MIT.


Is MIT conducting interviews in Italy? If yes, does someone know when the deadline for submitting reports is, and if I will be at disadvantage in the admission process if I am not selected for one (is it like Harvard and Yale in which if you don’t get an interview it means that you aren’t competitive?)

Are there some italians that applied to MIT in this thread?

Recv. a random email from MIT Admission (initial excitement!)
titled “March news and living boldly”. (not exciting!)

What is the point?

They have been emailing these every month.

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Should be getting an exciting email soon which identifies their release date (time/date). :slight_smile:


It’s always 3/14 at 6:18pm

On “pi” day at “2 x pi” time.

