MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Great point LOL

MIT’s loss; Caltech’s gain. Congrats.

As Sheldon Cooper likes to point out, MIT is a trade school. :rofl:


Yes, if you look at it as a percentage of the deferred pool - but I think a more helpful way to look at the admission stats is as follows:

Number of EA applicants accepted: 719 (during EA round) + 194 (deferred, RD round) = 913
EA application pool: 15,036
% of EA applicants admitted in EA+RD = 6.07%

Number of RD-only applicants accepted: 427
RD-only application pool: 18,250
% of RD-only applicants admitted = 2.34%

So it appears that EA applicants have a higher overall rate of acceptance.


Haha thanks so much! The weather’s better in Pasadena anyway.


Deferred–kid says they knew it was a long shot and doesn’t seem too upset.

oh, I don’t know I was feeling very high about your chances.

My son got deferred as well. congratulations to all those got accepted!

We have convinced our daughter that way. Still she is keeping her hopes for MIT though we know it’s very difficult.


D was also deferred. Congrats to all who were admitted!

S22 was accepted EA. Very proud of him. My impression is to be accepted (particularly as a boy because the numbers are even less in your favor) you must be:

  1. Very solid academically grades/test scores (many are).
  2. Have a good hook OR have significant honors/awards/accomplishments that are relatively rare. Without going into specifics, my son is the latter with deep commitment and passion in a specific area with multiyear national awards going back to middle school.

Congratulations. Without going into specifics, is that area academic?

I can see that from the pattern who got into MIT as well. But I have also seen kids with solid academic credentials and decent ECs getting through their regular pool. Good luck to your son for his achievements!!! I’m sure tons of hardwork must have gone into as well.


For Asian boys, “USAMO quals Olympiad quals of USABO, USNCO etc” won’t make MIT. Only MOPpers or campers from USABO/USNCO/USPHO/USACO can do it. Unless you have other significant achievements.

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Thanks for all the sharing. Do you have any idea if Caltech even defers the EA applicants or basically either accepts or rejects? Thanks a lot!

Most kids from our school got rejected. They defer only a small number I believe

That isn’t correct. For example, MIT deferred nearly 10,000 out of nearly 15,000 early applicants this year.

It also defers some (but much smaller percentage of) early applicants.

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My oldest was deferred at both Caltech and MIT in Fall 2020 early action round, so I would suspect they still defer some applicants. My recollection was that Caltech deferrals were less common than at MIT, where it was (and apparently still is) the most likely EA decision.

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Smaller number I meant is either in counts or in percentage. From about 20 applicants I know who applied there, I hardly know anyone deferred this year. It may not be a common practice to defer that’s what I was trying to say. Anyway we can move this discussion to CalTech thread.

I believe @advitha is referring to Caltech deferrals since she replied to @Gatewayn’s question.

As @advitha said, best to move the Caltech discussion to its own thread to avoid confusion.