MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

How did she feel about the interview? Good luck to her.

It went well. Questions were more on research that she was doing for one of the professor.

Is MIT still having a hard time fining interviewers for all applicants? My dd has not been contacted for an interview and we are a little concerned there might be a mix up because she has a very similar name and email address with someone else at her school that also applied. Thus an interviewer might mistakenly believe it is the same person.

This other student also said that the acceptance rate was lower for kiddos that do not interview. Not sure if this is true but I can see a good interview giving a student a boost.

Iā€™m pretty sure that I read somewhere on the MIT website that acceptance rates are lower for students who are offered an interview and donā€™t accept it compared to students who are interviewed, or are not offered an interview because MIT does not have an interviewer available. But I havenā€™t seen more data than that.


Hi @Gex6
If you have questions or concerns about interview scheduling please write to

MIT acceptance rates are lower for those who are offered interviews and decline them. If a candidate isnā€™t offered an interview for whatever reason itā€™s not a negative.

More details here: Interview | MIT Admissions

Hope that helps. Good luck.


Reach out to admissions. If they are unable to offer an interview they will waive it for you daughter. Itā€™s better to reach out to them now than to delay. Just an FYI, my D22ā€™s senior never got interviewed, she was admitted at MIT :grinning:


FYI for any kids who havenā€™t gotten an interview yet ā€“ check your emails (again!)! My daughter submitted her application 10/31 and apparently got her alum email on 11/1. But she didnā€™t see it until the alum emailed her again today. I know her inbox is flooded but ugh Iā€™m so embarrassed. :woman_facepalming:

Yes, the email inboxes are out of control! Great news, though, that she has the opportunity to interview. Did she get something scheduled soon? Good luck to her.

My kid had the interview over the weekend and reported that the EC did a great job at making it feel like a conversation instead of a Q&A.


Thanks, donā€™t think itā€™s scheduled yet. That sounds like such a great EC your kid met ā€“ yay! :slight_smile:

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My daughter applied and already had her interview. Donā€™t think it went well, since my D22 is so bad with interviews where she has to talk about herself. But it is what it is. I guess, after reading what stellar candidates get rejected by MIT, I was not holding my breath that she will be admitted anyway. Since Iā€™ve been on the site for a while now and had an expectations adjustment, we looking at the admission process as buying a lottery, where we got 6 scratch lottery tickets and now checking them one by one :crazy_face: We already got one win (UAH), 5 more to go :slight_smile: MIT will be our next ā€œscratchā€. Will be lurking here and cheering for everyone!


Sorry to hear that but would you mind shed a light on why you think it didnā€™t go well?

Iā€™m sorry to hear that your daughter didnā€™t feel good about the interview.

I feel much the same as you. But I also think that going through the process at these schools with multiple supplemental essays could lead to growth for these kids as well. Applying to colleges is a long, complicated endeavor that involves lots of organization and project management skills. Interviewing is really hard for some kids, but putting yourself out there and trying is how you improve at it. More than 30,000 kids are going to apply and not be accepted to MIT. I guess Iā€™m hoping my kid learns something by choosing to go through the process.


It was pretty short (about 45 minutes) and based on the overall description she did not really connected with EC, everything was pretty formal and nothing exciting. Again, nothing against EC, my D22 is just that kind of kid, that can rise to the occasion, if needed, but will not willingly get into spotlight.


I know there is a positive side of any experience of course. But, as a foreigner, ideas of essays and interviews as a part of college process seems completely strange, but that is a totally different conversation. I am happy my D22 is pretty levelheaded in the whole application process, itā€™s more my personal gripe with the ā€œstate of the unionā€ of college education :)))


She sounds more like my daughter. Iā€™m pretty sure this interview would have opened her up. At the end of the day itā€™s really like a lottery just as you mentioned, being one in that 3% is luck!! Letā€™s all hang in there, good things will happen soon!!


My son applied on 10/28 contacted by EC ON 10/30. Interview went well for him. The EC was really nice.
True itā€™s like a lotteryā€¦ still we need to reenforce as parents that they are smart and beautiful teensā€¦ no matter what they will shine!
Good luck to all of them!


I have read, length of interview does not affect, also itā€™s just one part of several. I send best wishes for your DD!


I wouldnā€™t consider 45 minutes to be abnormally short.


Just now my D22 mentioned to me, her very good friend from another school (they run a girlā€™s org together) whoā€™s a USAMO qual twice and an USACO (gold) had her interview for less than 45 mins and she has mentioned that her EC was not connecting with her as well. The girl is 4 times MPFG qual and got into their honor roll in her 9th grade, have several national level math awards, we know she has way more chances than whomever we know. So donā€™t worry about the interview, thatā€™s not going to be a deal breaker anyway.

Thank you :slight_smile: I completely get it about the interview! I think it will be one of those ā€œtie breakersā€ if Ad Com staring at two equal candidates files and trying to determine whom to pick : )

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