MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Good to know, thank you again.

Her EA decision came on Dec 19. I think it was later than the previous year. And yes, all the aid docs were submitted in Oct.

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Thank you for your post. I had the same query. Looks like we don’t need to submit CSS/FAFSA for MIT to consider the application for admissions.

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Thanks for the update. Great planning and execution. This year’s results can be out about a month from now

EA notification dates from the last 3 years:

  • 12/19/2020
  • 12/14/2019
  • 12/15/2018

If the pattern continues, they should announce on 12/18 this year :crossed_fingers:t3:


Do you think it’ll be:

  • 12/18/2021 at 12:18pm or
  • 12/18/2021 at 3:14pm?

I need to schedule something to distract myself that afternoon or I’ll go crazy.
I’ll probably go hiking and leave my phone at home.

Some years the time has been corresponding with the date:

  • 12/14/2019 at 12:14pm
    But last year was:
  • 12/19/2020 at 3:14pm

MIT EA decisions to be posted Saturday, 12/19/20, 3:14 PM ET

MIT EA Decisions To Be Posted Saturday, 12/14/19, at 12:14 PM ET

MIT EA Decisions To Be Posted Saturday, 12/15/18, at 12:15 PM

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Ha! :grinning:
Good question.

Could go either way but I’d bet on 3:14 to fit in with the “pi” theme. (Regular decisions seem to always go out on 3/14 6:28pm - pi plus tau)

In any case it’s going to be a nerve racking day for all involved :sweat_smile:

I saw this link saying 12/19/2021 2021-22 Early Action and Early Decision Notification Dates | CEA (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■)

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Interesting. I wonder where they got that date from? I haven’t seen anything official published yet.

Maybe couldn’t sense a pattern and/or read a calendar? I think it’s very unlikely it will be a Sunday.

Interesting, did not notice that until now. It was on Saturday for last three years.

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Exactly. That’s what I was thinking - it’s been a Saturday the last 3 years. I wouldn’t expect anything different this year.

You are right. I didn’t notice 12/19 is Sunday. Not sure where they got those dates.

Did anyone’s kids submit more than 2 Letters of Recommendations? My D is worried not all recommendations were received, but can’t tell which ones they have. She had LORs sent by a STEM teacher, Humanities teacher, plus a Supplemental from a club advisor who also was a STEM teacher.

Her portal says they received “First teacher recommendation letter” and “Second teacher recommendation letter”, but no mention of the supplemental. She wants to make sure all 3 were received, especially the main teacher LORs, but doesn’t want to bother the Admissions Office unnecessarily.

If your kid submitted 3 LORs, are all 3 showing as received on their portal? If so, is the 3rd listed as “Supplemental recommendation” or otherwise clearly not a teacher LOR? Thanks!

Where do you find a status checklist? S22 received an email indicating his app was complete, but when he clicks on the Check Your Status link, it simply takes him to his actual application. Help?

My son actually received an email from MIT admissions each time they received a letter of recommendation - it read “Hi Colton, We are reaching out to let you know that we’ve received your letter of recommendation from Teacher’s name.” Also under Recommendations & School Report in the portal if you click on “manage recommenders” it will give a list of the ones received.

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Did he click on the “first year application” and open it? If so it should show the checklist there.

Only First teacher and Second teacher rec show up in the checklist. Supplement won’t show there. She can check rec letter status from “Manage Recommendation & School Reports”.

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Thank you @g8rgal93 and @jetzav! You’re right – found the supplemental LOR under Manage Recommendations & School Report section. My D probably got those confirmation emails but who knows what she did with them. :woman_facepalming:

@Hopeful0304 my D got an email saying her app wasn’t complete so I think that’s why her Checklist pops up? Not sure if the checklist shows up when it’s complete. I don’t even think she can see her actual application with the essays, etc.

Checklist must be there for all applicants now. We have it, got an email confirmation as well. Why is hers not complete?

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