MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

They’re not going to request quarterly grades. D22’s counselor automatically sent them to all of her schools. You can choose to have your counselor send them if you’d like.

Fwiw, last year’s Saturday decision date was posted on the preceding Monday.

Last year. Not this year. Last year….


At this point, the decisions might have already been made. It’s just the matter of releasing it. We can anticipate something on Monday or Tuesday likely.

Yes, this is a discussion of the decision posting date.

I have no way of knowing whether every final decision has been made or not.

Yes I got that. I meant for the communication about release of decisions, not for the final decisions.

MIT was scheduling interviews till the 1st week of December. Not sure if it is in line with previous years.

just received email:

MIT Early Action admissions decisions will be released on Saturday, December 18, at 3:14 PM Eastern Time.

You’ll be able to access your decision at MIT application portal —the same site where you submitted your application.


Just saw the blog. Good luck to all the kids who have applied. Looks like they have removed the checklist now. I don’t see it anymore.


My D22 got a notification too. So it begins!! I am not holding my breath - for us it was more of a “buying a lottery ticket” kind of application: you don’t win, but there is a short period of hope in between… Not saying my kiddo doesn’t not have qualifications, but so do the others, probably, 10k of kiddos out of all that applied! Good luck to all kiddos.


All the best to all kids! We are not holding breath as well, with the same rationale…


My kid has not yet told me that a notification arrived, so I’m glad I can get the information here! :rofl:

Good luck to all the kids!


Can understand how you feel. We all are in the same boat. I told mine, if she gets in, it’s her luck purely.


Exactly how I feel - will be pure luck. Will I be disappointed inside if she does not get in - yes, will I be surprised - no. Saturday cannot come any faster though!!!


All applicants’ checklist would be removed? For how long? I saw previous years some deferred applicants’ checklist won’t be available till January…but not sure whether all checklists would be gone from today.

Pure luck!
But to keep things in perspective, my co-worker’s sister (big age gap) applied and was accepted to MIT last year. . . . and Georgia Tech, and Yale, among several other top schools.
She ended up choosing University of Alabama! where she received their most elite scholarship and is getting paid to go to school there and having a great year.
In the end, all of out bright children will get a fantastic education wherever they land.


My son knows my story; I’ve been shoving it down his throat since he was born.

I didn’t get into my dream school Penn Wharton.
As I was about to send in my deposit for NYU Stern, I got a huge financial aid package from WPI.
I started WPI with plans to transfer to Wharton, but after the 1st term, I couldn’t see myself anywhere else. I’ve made life-long friends and so many great things from the Penn door closing, but the WPI window opening.

So he is well versed in the Plan B and Plan C options.


Hope all these EA decisions come out within a week time. Last weekend GA tech and MIT this Saturday.

Even for OOS (GA Tech)?

They have to. They always come out no later than 12/20 as I recall.

Not really. UNC-Chapel Hill, UMich etc will not come until mid to end of January. After MIT, those are are the only two EA decisions left for us.