MIT Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Decisions are out according to Reddit!

Mine is deferred to Regular.

My son got deffered.

My daughter was deferred as well.

My daughter deferred as well.

As per this article…
Total applicants: 14,781
Accepted: 697 (4.71%)
Deferred: 9,489 (64.2%)
Declined: 3,959 (26.78%)
Withdrew/voluntarily switched to RD: 636(4.3%)

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Same here.Deferred

Son deferred as well.

Mine is super upset since MIT is her topmost choice

Deferred - honestly pretty content with it

My daughter got accepted. So happy for her.


There is a still chance. Anyway, Caltech is equally good and more selective.


Correction “deferred” lol

Congratulations!. If you don’t mind, please provide stats.

My son was deferred


Deferred :slight_smile:



Thanks. I already had them during GA tech acceptance and let me copy here. They always say she is a math wizard, her essay for MIT was completely on how she loves math but why she wants to pursue degree in biology/medical.

stats: 4/4.3 ( UW/W),
rank: 1/380( Valedictorian)
15 AP’s ( all 4’s and 5’s)
GA Gov honor finalist ( both in math and comm arts, she chose to attend with comm arts)
1550/1570( SAT/ SS)
Many awards over last 4 yrs in Math(AIME etc) and science
Leadership in Quizbowl, Math team, key club, tech club.Math Tutor @ Mathasium over last 2 yrs


no way! congratulations!!