<p>Hi all!
I'm an international freshman majoring in Electrical Engineering at Mississippi State University. My SAT scores and subject tests were pretty high(2200 and 2350 respectively) but I joined MSU because I did not get enough financial aid anywhere else. Is it at all possible to go to a top ranked engineering grad school like MIT/CORNELL/STANFORD from MSU provided i have research experience and a decent transcript?Or will they reject me outright because of the reputation of this school(not extremely well-known). Also, can anyone tell me whether it is possible to transfer to a top 20 university with aid? If so how should i go about it?</p>
<p>there is one boy in our town that transferred from a foreign country in high school. he went to a community college for undergrad but did so much impressive work that Columbia gave him a full ride for rest of undergrad and grad. if you have an impressive enough app I’m sure they’ll consider you!</p>
<p>I cannot assist you on your question of aid, I’m sorry. But good luck to you in the future!</p>
<p>I’m a senior in EE at Caltech, so I’m just now applying to grad schools. From what I’ve seen with friends from other lesser-known schools, it’s definitely possible to get into top grad schools without a big-name undergrad degree. That being said, a “decent transcript” is not enough–if you’re going to a school not known to be very academically difficult you should have a near-perfect GPA if you’re going to hack it at a top grad school in EE. (BTW I assume you’re talking about PhD admissions… MS and MEng are a bit different depending…) </p>
<p>Anyway, you are too young to be deciding on grad schools (or if you should even go). Learn some background in EE, then figure out if you want to continue onward.</p>