April 5. Unfortunately, I was away and could not access my computer until a couple days ago.
How long did it take for them to notify you after the interview? I had mine on Saturday.
How did you guys pay the deposit? like by mailed check or credit card or??
@catwitsfur for me, I found out 3 and a half days after my interview but others on this thread have said it took a week
and yeah does anyone know when the admissions packages are going to be sent out in the mail?
@frostsnake oh yah don’t they send you a cute package? I’m looking forward to that;)
@blackberries yeah! I talked to my interviewer after I got accepted and he told me to be on the lookout for it and that there’s some pretty cool stuff. I’m looking forward to it too!
hey guys, I didnt get an interview request yet, and no views on my YouTube video too, is there still a chance? Should I email?
There is definitely still a chance but I wouldn’t email. They don’t typically respond to such questions and requests.
is there anyone who got an interview that didn’t get into the program?
Hey guys! I’ll actually be attending the Penn location!! I can’t join the FB group, can anyone else? Thanks!
@preciouscanoe You should have gotten an invitation to join the group to the email address that you used to apply. Check the spam and social section as the email might be in there. If you do find it and the link on the email doesn’t work, make sure your facebook account is linked with the email as that might be the problem.
@preciouscanoe how did you switch?? I got the mail for the FB group but it doesn’t work too.
The UT Austin location doesn’t exist anymore, so I got moved. I got an email about joining, but when I click the link, it says the link is broken or something? Could someone message me and invite me thanks and can’t wait to meet you all!
@preciouscanoe yah the link is like that for me too. What happened to the UT Austin?!! I had no idea omg!
It’s been almost 2 weeks after my interview and I still haven’t heard back from them… Is there still hope??
Hey everyone! Just got notified that I was accepted to the UPenn location but didn’t get a link to the fb page. Is it supposed to be included in the email? thanks :))
@ctsky808 they’ll share with you sperately within next few days
Hey guys! I completed my interview on Saturday, but I just received another email asking for a “Last Chance to Schedule Interview (must be in next couple days”. Did anyone also get this? Should I email Launch about it?
I would email them to let them know that you have already completed your interview, and don’t need to schedule.