MIT- Prospecting Biology


I was wondering if anyone had knowledge on the following topic- MIT Biology Undergrad.

A couple of questions I have, as I am applying next year.

  1. For MIT, do you state what you want to study on the Common App? If so, does biology “have it’s own” applicant pool?
  1. I know a lot of people applying to MIT submit a maker's portfolio. Is this the case with biology?
  2. How good is MIT's biology program and how good is it at sending people to med school?

Just considering the options :slight_smile:
Thank you for the time!

Colleges don’t “send people to med school”. You earn a place by doing well in class, on the MCAT, taking part in health-related volunteer work, getting to know some profs for strong recs, etc. The same lower-division classes required to apply are taught at every college in the country. Neither MIT nor any other school has a magic sauce to “get people in”.

I know quite a bit about MIT. I know very little about biology although everyone else in my family knows a lot about biology.

MIT is not known as a place to get easy A’s. Medical school admissions depends quite a bit on GPA.

It is possible to get A’s at MIT. However, maintaining a high GPA for four full years is tough.

If you are smart enough and a strong enough student to get into MIT, but if you go to your in-state public school instead, then do not underestimate the academic difficulty of premed classes at your in-state public university. Premed classes can be very tough at any decent (top 100, probably top 200) university.

MIT’s graduate Biology department is ranked #1 by US News and World Report. So no issues about the quality of the program.

Factoring in the costs and the grade deflation, I don’t think it’s the greatest idea to do pre-med there. There is a reason that the school does pass/fail grades for freshmen.

MIT doesn’t use the common app. They have their own application. You do state your prospective major on the application.

I agree with the others that MIT is not the place to go if you want to go to med school.

With med schools’ focus on GPA, you are probably better off not going to a T50 school. MIT is one of the toughest schools to get grades at, so it is maybe the worst.