MIT Summer Program for Incoming Freshman?

Hi guys,

I just got accepted into MIT (which is insane! I still can’t believe it), and I remembered hearing something earlier about an MIT Summer Program for incoming freshman where they could take higher level math/science classes that their schools may not have offered to prepare them for freshman year. Is this a thing? Or am I possibly confusing it with another school’s summer program?

Thanks so much!

P.S. Sorry if I messed up the format somewhow- this is my first post here.

Swimtrackgirl, My daughter participated in this program…She really liked and helped to find friends before the first day of classes.

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Thank you!

From the limited posts, that seems to be the consensus feedback of the MIT Interphase EDGE summer program.

My S22 is thrilled to have been accepted.

Appreciate any tips or suggestions please.
I can’t believe my 1st born is leaving for college in 3 weeks!
I was prepared for mid-August, but this June deal is throwing me for a loop. Yikes!
