Mixed feelings about becoming a nurse.

<p>Hey, so I'm a junior in high school right now. I know that what i major in in college will be science related. Since freshman year, after taking a health class, i've been in love with the subject, and have been considering becoming a health science teacher. However, lately i've been looking into nursing. It's obviously much more challenging than becoming a teacher, and I'm iffy about whether or not I have the potential of becoming a good nurse.</p>

<p>in math, all three years i've had an A or A+.
in health, A. in bio, B. and in chemistry honors, its goes back and forth from B to B-.
(btw, i absolutely hate chemistry, and bio was whatever. but i loved health, i even became a teacher's assistant during sophomore year).</p>

<p>my gpa is 3.3 but i go to a highly accredited private, college prepratory school. and on the psat i did 89% above average.
and, i have a lot of science recognition/awards: </p>

<p>top health student in my entire class/ award from bank of america
won first place in science fair for three years.
won first place in math fair for three years.
i attended a medical camp over the summer at UCLA.
i scored high an a national biology test(biology olympiad)</p>

<p>however, i'm scared that i'm not gonna do well with nursing because i hate chem, and my gpa is kinda low. </p>

<p>so, i'm asking you to let me know if i will be able to handle nursing school.
(oh, and i'm totally fine in the presence of blood, etc.)</p>

<p>I think you’ll be fine. You know your strengths and weaknesses and that’s important. A passion for health and lack of squeamishness is very important. Math isn’t all that important. Getting over the hump of chemistry and biochem in the pre-nursing classes is a hurdle that many students face and succeed at if they plan properly and have good study habits.</p>

<p>You might want to take chemistry at your local community college the summer before you go to college. Even if you don’t do well, it should prepare you to do better when it counts. You also need good memorization skills for anatomy. Good luck!</p>

<p>Academically, you should be fine.</p>

<p>I didn’t do all that well in high school (graduated with a sub 3.0 GPA because I just didn’t try), but I got into nursing school, and finished my first semester of nursing classes with a 3.13 GPA (I got at least a B in all of my classes)…and this wasn’t at some random school that has no reputation…it’s one of the best nursing schools in NYS. I did struggle with A&P and thought for awhile that I might not even make it into the clinical year, but I did, and I found the clinical nursing classes to be much easier.</p>

<p>That being said, I also discovered in my first semester of clinical nursing classes that I don’t actually want to be a nurse. Although I could do it academically, I just don’t have the heart. I said all of last semester, and still say that academics were the least of my worries when it came to nursing school because I did well, but I lacked the passion and that makes nursing school 10x harder.</p>

<p>i feel the same exact way</p>