<p>Which schools will take the highest ACT subscores from different test dates and recalcuate a composite?</p>
<p>this mixing on the act is called superscoring.</p>
<p>some schools do it without saying so. others will talk about it. I tried to get a listing of all who do but the thread didn't go anywhere.</p>
<p>briefly: trinity (in texas), miami (florida) from what i've seen.</p>
<p>if you have a favorite school, email their admit dept.</p>
<p>good luck.</p>
<p>My son is interested in Trinity College and this quote comes from their FAQ on their admissions website. I have emailed them to ask if they "superscore the ACT. From the answer to question 2, you may surmise that they might?</p>
<p>Which standardized tests are required for admission? </p>
<p>Applicants may submit one or more of the following options:</p>
<p>1) the previous version of the SAT I Reasoning Test and the SAT II: Writing Test;</p>
<p>2) the current version of the SAT I Reasoning Test;</p>
<p>3) any three SAT II Subject Tests;</p>
<p>4) the ACT.</p>
<p>Can I submit scores from more than one test date? </p>
<p>Yes. Trinity will accept the highest scores on all tests (they need not be from the same exam date).</p>
<p>For any that are interested---I just heard back from Trinity College (CT)
admissions and yes, they do superscore/recalculate the composite ACT from the best subscores on multiple test dates and use that figure in their admissions decisions</p>
<p>Good news for my dear son</p>
<p>great news on Trinity in CT.</p>
<p>i would think to superscore only makes sense in light of doing it with the SAT.
the ACT is one test that can't really be prepped the same way the SAT can be manipulated.</p>
<p>but both tests are way way too long for a huge amount of kids. </p>
<p>i hope to add to the last with some additional schools later this week.</p>
<p>CU Boulder does this on the ACT. Most schools don't.</p>
<p>it could be it's a new trend.</p>
<p>on another thread someone posted that WUSTL is doing it.</p>
<p>it makes sense as it is done with the SAT.</p>
<p>does vanderbilt combine the highest ACT subscores?</p>
<p>email them if no one responds.</p>
<p>from the vanderbilt forum people are saying the school utilizes the highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings.</p>