Mizzou Journalism vs. Walter Cronkite J-School at Arizona State University

<p>My son has been admitted to the Journalism School at Mizzou as a Walter Williams Scholar. He was awarded the George C. Brooks scholarship, and admitted to the Honors College as well. He visited Mizzou yesterday and loved everything about it. He has also been admitted to the Walter Cronkite Journalism School at ASU, and to Barrett the Honors College, which has a wonderful reputation. ASU has offered him a full tuition scholarship. He visited ASU in December and was very impressed with the facilities, the infrastructure, the program, and the way they treated him.</p>

<p>The decision is very difficult because the colleges are complete opposites in terms of their style, location, history, etc.Their programs are both excellent. ASU = Downtown Phoenix campus, totally urban, contemporary, state of the art. Mizzou = Traditional classic campus, college town, rich history, big school spirit.</p>

<p>Could you please give us your candid opinion and point of view about those colleges and their journalism schools and honors colleges, and which one you think is better and why? Any info will be very useful. Thank you!! </p>

<p>I don’t know all that much about the j-school at ASU, other than that it’s an excellent school. Missouri’s is as well. This is a good dilemma to have; I don’t think you can really go wrong with either.</p>

<p>I know nothing about ASU’s Honor college (other than that it’s good), but I know that being a Walter Williams Scholar is an excellent achievement. You might’ve looked at this already, but it shows the various benefits of being a Walter Williams Scholar: <a href=“http://journalism.missouri.edu/programs/undergraduate/starting-your-program/journalism-scholars-and-walter-williams-scholars/”>A $10,000 Scholarship and 10 Summer Internships in Business Journalism Available to Missouri Students – Missouri School of Journalism. I also know that Mizzou’s alumni network is amazing. My journalism teacher went there and loved his time there (That was back in the 80’s and he still is in touch with his friends from there and goes back to visit). </p>

<p>As far as ASU, it sounds like that it would be cheaper, that it’s a great journalism school, and being in an urban area could also lead to more, or at least, maybe more unique internships. I really don’t know that much about ASU though.</p>

<p>Is he wanting a more college town, traditional type colleges, or an urban, more modern type of college? Which did he feel more “drawn” to? What about money; is the full tuition a winner over some money at Mizzou?</p>

<p>Thanks CE527M. My son decided to go to Mizzou after his successful visit. He loved everything about it… the gorgeous campus, the opportunities, the prestigious J-school, the environment, the town (Columbia is charming, safe, and full of life), and the people. It offers the perfect college experience and environment for him, just what he has dreamed of. The fact that he is a Walter Williams scholar puts him in a very advantageous position. The scholarships offered by Mizzou ended up being about the same amount as the full tuition at ASU, so that made the decision much easier. The fact that the J-school at ASU is in downtown Phoenix and not part of the main campus at Tempe was an issue for my son because it makes it hard to participate in some of the college activities, like choir, fraternities, etc.But he is very grateful for the way they treated him at ASU during his visit. Great school too!</p>

<p>What a relief to know where he is going.What a ride this has been! :)</p>

<p>Glad to hear it, mariangelita! Best of luck to him! </p>

<p>Thank you very much, CE527M!</p>

<p>I didn’t apply to Mizzou (too far from home in California). Mizzou has a great program, but as a journalist in sports, it was crucial to me while selecting colleges that internships were available with major sports networks. Mizzou wouldn’t be the best option for internships (Missouri is sort of in the middle of nowhere unless you are near Kansas City or St. Louis). I’ve been accepted at ASU and was offered a $52,000 scholarship to attend there. EXCELLENT INTERNSHIPS! However, there are certain living issues I need to have available to me and ASU didn’t foot the bill. Excellent program, but it is out of the picture for me personally. ASU is my best bet for your teen.</p>

the sportsman24 - my daughter is looking at the Walter Cronkite school now for next year. $52,000 - that is great! Congrats! Was that for one year or over 4 years (like the President’s Award)? Were you able to get other funding?