<p>How many conferences do you typically go to in a year? This year, 3-4. Previous years: 2.</p>
<p>How do you pick a good conference for a school with little/no MUN experience? You pick one that has a very structured/nurturing environment. Find out which ones are run meticulously. Those are best for newbies because they really get you into what a real conference is like. If you go to a lesser-organized one, you really don't get the proper feel for them. </p>
<p>Local conferences are great. But, if you can't, there's always the big ones. ^</p>
<p>This is committee wise.... for choosing country/committees. Make sure your country is in good committees (and that you sign up on time so you get your pick of countries!).</p>
<p>Committee wise: What are your interests...generally. I discovered my intended major thanks to MUN actually. Otherwise, whatever seems moderately interesting. Think to yourself--can I stand reading 20 pages of research about this without falling asleep?</p>
<p>Country wise: Good countries are #1. Make sure they're in interesting committees! But even if you have a terrible one, you can do some pretty awesome things with them. I mean, it's better to get those countries with strong policies. But realize, you'll be held to a higher/stricter standard if you have a strong country (like the US).</p>
<p>And, yes, I don't know what I would have done without MUN in hs. Never gotten into college..haha. But, pick up line wise, as a chair and a delegate, I have to say, they make or break the conferences. My best conferences have centered around being awesome--and getting awesome notes. :]</p>
<p>Random tips: Award wise, it's more about coming off strong to people. Though, it's always a plus to show that you have a human side and you're not a robot. You get more votes from the back that way. The majority of most committees are slackers (regardless of how smart they are normally). If you can get them to vote with your resolution, you're gold. "You're cute" or "I'll meet you at the Delegate Dance" votes are 100% legal--and effective ways of gaining votes. ;]</p>
<p>If you want more mun tips/rambling, just PM me. Also, I can give you a list of conferences known for being run smoothly. PM. :]</p>