Molloy CAP21 Fall 2018 Productions

Hi, I wanted to share some upcoming performance dates, in case anyone is planning a visit and would like to see one of the program’s shows. If you are, reach out to Rebecca O and see if you need an invitation or if the date you are heading out is open to the public. Also note, Madison Theatre and Hays Theatre are both located at the Molloy Campus on Long Island. My D’s (sophomore) class is excited for their first college production, Story Theatre!

Fri Oct 19th thru Sun Oct 21st: Song & Dance Invited Dress & Performances at the Manhattan Center
Fri Oct 26th thru Sun Oct 28th: Mainstage (NINE) Invited Dress & Performances at the Madison Theatre
Fri Nov 16th thru Sun Nov 18th: Story Theatre Invited Dress & Performances at the Hays Theatre
Fri Dec 14th thru Sun Dec 16th: Creative Ensemble Invited Dress & Performances at the Manhattan Center

@CentralOHmomof4 Thanks for sharing this. Do you happen to know the schedule for spring semester performances? Also, do you know which class is included in each of these? I know Sophomores are Story Theater and I’m pretty sure that the Mainstage is Seniors. I’m not sure which class does Song & Dance and which does Creative Ensemble. (With a current freshman, I’m trying to understand when I should be planning travel to see these!)

Hi @speezagmom !
Sophomores do Story Theatre in the fall and Composer Project in the spring.
Juniors do Song & Dance in fall and Pop Rock in spring.
Seniors do Creative ensemble, which is new where the students create their own mini productions. And they also do the showcase, naturally.

March 1-3 Pop Rock Group A Dress & Performances at 50 Broadway
March 8-10 Pop Rock Group B Dress & Performances at 50 Broadway
April 26-28 Composer Project Dress & Performances at 50 Broadway
May 3-7 Showcase Dress, Public, and Industry Performances at 50 Broadway

I don’t know what or when the Mainstage spring musical is yet but I will update when I do. Last year it coincided with the weekend we were moving D out for summer break. Mainstage is, as I understand it, made of Juniors in the spring, and then that class of Seniors in the fall, so a student might do it late junior year or early senior year depending on which one they get cast in.

There are also a bunch of productions at the Madison that they can audition for - they do concerts, musicals “in concert,” and of course the holiday spectacular in December. This year they auditioned for the first fall concert right before summer break, and the rest of the season right when they got back in the fall. So you might have those to consider, too, next year.

Mainstage productions for the class of 2020 are Spring Awakening in October 2019 and Urinetown in March 2020

Thanks @CentralOHmomof4 ! Do you by chance know if there is a main stage production this spring?

As I understand it, the program changed the seniors’ mainstage productions to both occur during the senior year, instead of half the class in junior/spring and the other half in senior/fall. And since class of 2019 already did both halves’ shows in 2018, the next one will be in fall 2019.

@CentralOHmomof4 - Gotcha! Thank you!