Mom needing advice re: SDSU vs. another school vs. gap year

I agree that peers can have a large influence on kids. My younger son whom graduated from SDSU as a CS major did have some of his friends question his choice of college stating that they thought he could do better. Even some parents were surprised he picked SDSU, but each person needs to decide from themselves what is best. He recently told me 2 of his HS friends are thinking of going back for a masters in CS or Computer engineering after seeing how well he is doing.

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@Gumbymom can I DM you about SDSU comp sci?

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I went to SDSU. Graduated at the top of my major, went to grad school, and got my Ph.D. My classmate in student government there? He’s now California’s Insurance Commissioner. Unlike the UCs, my English and Math profs were tenured and kicked my butt into gear. There are lots and lots of smart kids and faculty at SDSU. Even more now than in the 90s when I was there. It is pretty and there is a lot of partying, but there are also tons of academics.


Sure you can send me a DM

It’s so hard. I always tell my kids that everyone is on their own path and everyone has their own lives, strengths, weaknesses, etc. A college that is perfect for one person, may not be right for someone else.


Dartmouth has long had a well earned reputation as a party school, though several administrations have certainly made efforts to de-emphasize greek life/partying on campus.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! She got an invite to apply to Weber’s, but she didn’t do the essays because she was overly confident about another school. She is finishing them up now.


Good questions. I think she would prefer one of her waitlist schools, but she is aware of how ridiculously expensive it would be for us.

This is amazing information! I will let her know! Thank you, and I’m so happy your daughter loves it there. I know my daughter will, too!

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I teach at a different CSU campus, and I definitely think the CSU’s are under-rated! My classes are capped at 21 students! All the professors I know really care about teaching, not just writing their next academic paper or book. Thank you for the info, I will pass it onto my daughter!


The irony of this whole debacle is my daughter is actually a total party girl. It is so odd that she is turning up her nose to a social atmosphere. I think she was trying to reinvent herself by getting into a college she considered “intellectual.” I told her to work at being the best student she can at SDSU if she wants to be considered intellectual.


Very good thoughts. I know you are right. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Good points! And I can’t wait for the next basketball game!


To be fair SDSU was not my daughter’s first choice, she really wanted UCLA, USC, or UCSB, she also decided she really did not want to go to the East Coast for her reach schools. There was some definite disappointment but that disappeared very quickly. I have been very impressed with how small a lot of her classes have been, she says for the most part her professors have been very supportive and kind, and she really hasn’t had any trouble getting the classes she needs. Also, for what she wants to do she will need grad school so I am so happy we are not paying 80k+ per year :).


Thank you for this!

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UPDATE from original poster:

First, thank you all so much for your thoughtful replies! I conveyed your information and support to my daughter.

I’m pleased to say things are much better! I think she just needed time to process the rejections she got. It seems she wants to commit SDSU! She got her application into the Weber’s Honor’s College, put her Instagram bio up on the SDSU class of 2027 page, and is excited about the possibility of joining a sorority! She is also feeling relieved that she will only be an hour and a half away from home so she can come back and see her beloved cat. We are relieved because it is the least expensive option for us and we were nervous about sending her out of state.

Thank you again to everyone here. A huge special hug to Gumbymom.


Wonderful news and Go Aztecs!!!


That is fantastic. Great when they love the one that loves them!


This is a good question. I actually think she liked SDSU until she found out the one other person she knew who was going was a pot-head guy. It is completely narrow-minded of her, I know.

Great! It’s wonderful when they come around. DD’19 had a lot of the same feelings about her 1.5 hour away cheapest option school. Joining the admitted students page showed her it was a big world out there. She ended up loving it and being closer to the cats was not a bad thing!