Money for H4 visa students?

<p>Hello everyone! Great site!
I'm a Ukrainian student, planning to study in the US on H4 visa (my father is working here on H1) and I am a senior at US high school now.
Are there any ways to get finacial assistance from colleges? I applied to Case Western, Ohio State, Kent State some other not-too selective colleges.
I'd like to apply for aid, but I cannot file FAFSA because i don't have a social security number and my family cannot pay the full cost of $16000 a year. I asked my school councelor and she also said that I can't file FAFSA. I can't even work in the US. Would it be better to change my visa to F1 (and pay more tuition, but get aid) or should I just hope to get some university scholarships and apply for small private scholarships?
Thank you.</p>

<p>i have the same problem .. i have already applied for colleges im just waiting for responses but need financial aid really bad. can i apply for fafsa w/ an h4 visa??
also are colleges gonna accept me w/ an h4 visa?? im i gonna have to pay double the price? or r they gonna give me instate rate??
please respond

<p>Im holding a H4 visa as well. Since we are considered to be "international students". It will be very hard to get money from colleges, especially NOT very competitive one cuz they generally have low endowments. Also, you cant file FAFSA. The only three ways I can think of to pay ultra expansive tuition are 1. get into top ~ 15 colleges, Ivy etc. 2. liberal arts colleges 3. scholarships</p>

<p>Same situation here.</p>

<p>AStudent just nailed it right.</p>

<p>Well, I was told I qualify for in-state tuition (public university,16000), I think as long as you are a resident of the state, you pay in-state. About liberal arts colleges, do they really a lot? I heard that Baldwin-Wallace can give me $14000 in scholarship but with other 14000 to pay thats still not easy.
Does anyone know any bank/organization that can give me a big enough loan ($10000 - $15000)?</p>

<p>H4s unite!!</p>

<p>there're VERY limited financial aid avaiable for intls, very competitive process too. no federal aid; it's quite hard to take out loans, check w/ your college for that one. if you are under 18 your parents can take out loans for you i think. and you can't work on campus unless you switch to F1 visa (that means no in-state tuition, not 100% sure tho), can't work outside campus either. top colleges offer generous scholarships, but they are hard to get in/harder as a interl.</p>

<p>i'm on H4 and i can't get a social security number. =~(</p>

<p>ahah YEAH h4 SUCKS big time, we cant workkkkkk ugh =( but i read an article a month ago about how liberal arts schools in secluded areas (they mention ohio a lot) give out merit scholarships very generously to everybody bc they want to attract more students, etc etc--i suppose ya'll can look into that, gl</p>

<p>its so weird: my dad got a social already n i was supposed to get one. i have an h4 at the moment but when we checked the social securitu dept mine wasnt in the computer.</p>

<p>Same stuff. My dad has SSN, but when I went to SS office (yeah, great abbreviation, brings WWII memories) they said that i can't get anything. And fin aid office can't do anything either.</p>

Well, I was told I qualify for in-state tuition (public university,16000), I think as long as you are a resident of the state, you pay in-state.


<p>There are lots of criteria for being considered a resident. Its not as easy as just living there. You have to fulfill a list of criteria, that generally varies per state. They are trying to avoid people scamming the system, as the state taxpayers support that school.</p>

<p>I was accepted to Ohio State as an "international eligible for in-state tuition", but yes, I think you and/or your parents have to live in state for 12 months or so to be qualified.</p>

<p>What extra forms do we have to fill out as H-4 dependents? Any? I’ve read I need to fill out the collegeboard’s “certification of financial aid” for international students. One school, thought (VA tech) told me i didnt need this form.</p>

<p>so i thought mayb i should help everyone out by giving a small personal example story. i was accepted to ucla,where i will b going in the fall. im h4 too!..i was excempt (is that how u spell it?) frm nonresident tuition by submitting a copy of my mom’s h1 and her taxes. so as far as getting resident tuition,dont worry,turn in ur papers of legal residence and copy of taxes when asked for them,and you’ll be fine. however,the financial aid is a whole other story…its confusing and weird:/ and i probably wont get any!!!so it will be loans for me! (tears) hope that helped!</p>

<p>Hey whatever4ever123, I’m in the exact same situation as you. I got into ucla with an H4 visa thinking that I’d be paying in-state tuition, but no. They categorized me as an international student, and gave me a waiver as long as I hold my H4. However, once I turn 21, that waiver will be gone, since I will no longer be my father’s dependent. I assume that will be the same situation as you, unless you will have gotten your green card by then.</p>

<p>As for financial aid…it really is another story. With the current rate of green card application processing speed (which still fluctuates) we really don’t have a choice but to accept the fact that federal aid is probably impossible if you have an H4.</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation… kind of.
Everyone is my family has an H4, but my dad is working on a H1.
However, we all have social security numbers! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Does having a SSN improve my chances of getting aid at all?
Also, I’ve been reading that H4s are classified as internationals. Does this mean I have to submit documents stuff from my home country for school? I’ve lived in the US since 3rd grade… </p>

<p>Thanks for your help. Good luck with your greencards! <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>H4 means that you are an international student for financial aid purposes. You aren’t eligible for federally determined (FAFSA) financial aid. Check with the regulations in your state of residence to find out if you can be considered an in-state resident for tuition purposes. Each state has its own rules.</p>

<p>If all of your secondary education (HS) is in the US, you won’t need any foreign academic records.</p>

<p>My mom is a bilingual teacher in Illinois. Her, my dad and my sister all got their social security number and are able to work. Me, on the other hand, am still stuck with the h4 visa. i’m in desperate need to find a scholarship. I’m currently at a community college and even though its way cheaper than regular state or private college, i still need money to pay for my classes. I want to go to the Art Institute of Chicago (private school) but that would have to happen latter on. As for right now, i really need to find art related scholarships. I say art related because 1:i suck at writing 2: i was not a good student in high school (low gpa) and 3:to be honest, if i have a chance at getting any scholarship awarded, my chances are only good with art related stuff… i don’t mean to brag but thats what i’m best at. Thanks to anyone that reads this and is nice enough to throw me a bone and comment back.</p>

<p>Make an appointment with the transfer advisors at the counseling center at your community college. They should have some ideas for you.</p>

<p>Here is a link to transfer information from our local community college: [MC</a> Transfer Scholarship Page](<a href=“]MC”></p>

<p>You also should read through some of the information at the Visual Arts sub-forum under the College Majors Forum. You can reach it by clicking on “Discussion Home” in the upper-left of this screen and scrolling down. Here is a quick link for you: [Visual</a> Arts and Film Majors - College Confidential](<a href=“]Visual”></p>

<p>Lastly, you need to sit down with your family’s immigration lawyer and find out why everyone else has some kind of work permit and you don’t. Maybe nothing can be done. But maybe your paperwork can be reorganized and you can work too.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>

I am in 11th grade and in FLORIDA
I have an excellent GPA, extracurricular activities and club positions and what-not to get inot good colleges!!!
I am WORRIED that they wont care about these things and treat me as an intl student and jsut look at my GPA and SAT/ACT scores and NOTHIING ELSE :(</p>

<p>MUY CONFUSED!!!</p>



<p>No, your status has not changed. Your aid depends on your status and if aid is for US Citizens and Permanent Residents (Green Card holders), then you are ineligible, even if you have a SSN number, for you are not considered a Permanent Resident. State Universities can give exemptions for non resident tuition for dependents of H1 visas, but that is state specific.</p>