Money to have fun with...

<p>How much money do all of you spend in college?</p>

<p>Do u all work and make your own money?</p>

<p>Should I work during the summer to make a lot of money so i can enjoy myself during college?</p>

<p>Thanks guys</p>

<p>How much you’ll spend depends on where you’re going to school and what you like to do. Partying all the time will cost more than staying in to hang out; going to a movie will be a lot cheaper in rural wherever-the-hell than in a large city.</p>

<p>Personally, I work to pay for food, rent, books, and other incidental expenses. That usually leaves me enough to either go out to bars/clubs a couple of times a month or supply my apartment with enough alcohol for a couple of parties, go out to dinner with friends once a month or get a movie or concert ticket, and take my girlfriend out once… if I’m okay with not saving anything, which I’m not, so some things have to go. You work with what you have.</p>

<p>A job is always a good thing. More money = more freedom and more options, as long as you’re not working yourself to death so that you can’t enjoy your free time or don’t have any.</p>

<p>Working over the summer should be an obvious YES provided you can get a job and there isn’t any extraordinary life-changing wonderful opportunity available to you that would keep you from working.</p>

<p>You should talk this over with your parents to make sure you’re on the same page. What do they expect you to pay for? What will they be able to help with?</p>

<p>My parents paid for tuition, so I agreed to pay for books and all other expenses. To be honest though, most of my first semester money went towards food. Since I didn’t want a meal plan.</p>

<p>I can’t say I have any experience with this since I’m still a senior, but I just found an interesting link: <a href=“”>SparkCollege: Money</a>. It gives a nice rundown of common college expenses.</p>

<p>if u get a meal plan and dorm in college, there is no need to spend cash unless u need some special things. books are a different story, they are usually very expensive. I had a job before i went to college and most of my money went to books. it’s always good to have a job though just for emergency money or some extra cash.</p>

<p>yea ill be attending a college in the city so i guess money for transportation and hanging out would be a necessity…</p>

<p>im guessing the money ill be making will go to college books…where do students buy used books?</p>

<p>You can get used books at your school bookstore alongside new ones most of the time, or is good too.</p>

<p>If you’re in a city with good public transport, this can help you save money immensely by not necessitating a taxi. I haven’t used a taxi yet and I’m in DC. I walk everywhere I go or take the metro.</p>