Monologue Character Age

<p>I understand that I must choose monologues that fit with characters around my age. I already have one just like that.
But, for my second monologue, the age is not narrowly specified. It’s described as 18 to 30 years old. Is it still okay if I perform it? Or is the range too broad?</p>

<p>By the way, I’m a high school senior.</p>

<p>clairetine - As long as you feel from reading the play, that what the character experiences is something that could happen to someone your age, you should be fine. </p>

<p>Age issues occur when a teenager choses a monologue from a story line, where their character is actually a mother of four, married to husband number three, or something along those lines. It would then for obvious reasons be a stretch to portray such a character convincingly.</p>

<p>Alright, thank you. That’s great advice!</p>

<p>Here’s another question: Does the monologue have to come from a full length play? Because I just read a shorter (as in 30 minutes long or even a little less), published play that has a great serious monologue. Is it okay to use it?</p>

<p>If your monologue is from a published play, you are on the right track :D. Often people ask about using those “great monologues for teens books”, that have a selection of ‘pre-cut’ monologues in them; they aren’t necessarily from published plays however. In some cases, those books can direct you to some relevant plays, but I would highly recommend that you ultimately pick a monologue, because there is something in it that “speaks” to you.</p>

<p>It is really important that you feel comfortable that you can emote the material naturally, and that it flows allowing you to show off your acting chops. Make sure to have contrasting monologues in your repertoire (sad vs. funny or angry vs. playful) so that you can really impress with your range displaying different emotions. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I know that we should choose monologues that are age appropriate, but what if we come off as younger? In real life people who don’t know me often think I am younger than I actually am (because of my short stature, not maturity-wise XD). I’m 16 and can be seen as even 12 or 13 depending on what I wear. So, should I choose monologues from this age group? Or should I stick with more of a 16-18 age group?</p>


<p>Hmm … a lot of this could depend on whether you would be able to pull off this part in a real play or not. Could you actually play this 12 or 13 year old in the actual production? Personally, I believe that playing younger is a lot safer than playing a forty year old woman who is unhappy with her marriage.
Still, keep in mind what the school instructions are. Are you pushing the age appropriate boundary? And is the monologue perfect for you in the first place. You have a lot to think about when choosing a monologue and it is up to you to decide.</p>

<p>My daughter also looks very young and could pass for a 12 or 13 year old. However, during the audition, I think your best bet is to stick with a character 16-22 years of age.</p>

<p>hey 62442 </p>

<p>I had the same thoughts becuz just like u i have a short stature so people also often think im 12 or 13 even though im 17 now . but anyways thanks 4 asking the question becuz i was wondering the same thing.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your great responses! =]
Dramamama2010, glad to know I’m not alone. =) Who knows! We could end up at the same place next year!</p>
