monologue time limits

<p>My D's monologues run about 1 minute, 10 seconds and are hard to cut beyond that. Can anyone who went through auditons last year remember which schools allow a little leeway and which schools cut you off after 60 seconds? Thanks.</p>

<p>I am a big fan of doing what you are asked to do at auditions. Having said that, some schools do have a timer going - most do not. If it goes a bit over - some folks might be offended - most won’t notice 5 or ten seconds. Really, though, I would pick up the general pace and get it under a minute - it is likely quite possible to do in a minute what you can do in a minute and 10 seconds. Good luck in any case.</p>

<p>We are just auditioning this year, so I don’t have a whole year’s experience to offer, but in the 2 timed auditions my D has had this year, it appears that they weren’t necessarily as concerned with each component being exactly at or under the limit, but the overall audition was cut off at the appointed time.</p>

<p>So if her monologue was a hair long, her song could be a hair shorter to compensate. They called time at the 3-minute or 4-minute mark, as each audition allowed. But that was just our limited experience, FWIW.</p>

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<p>That’s good information. Thanks.</p>