MOOCs on UC App?

Where exactly could you list MOOCs on the UC Application?
(MOOCs are Massive Online Open Courses)…
I’m taking some courses from prestigious schools (Ivies), and will also be given a certificate of completion once I complete the course.
I’m just wondering, where would one list this on the UC App?
Under Educational Preparation Programs?


Are you using these courses to fulfill some of the a-g course requirements? You would put them in the appropriate a-g course sections. If they are not a-g courses, then put them under coursework non a-g section.

Online courses
Students can use the following types of online courses to fulfill their “a-g” subject requirements:
• Courses that are on a California high school’s“a-g”courselist.
• Courses that are listed on an online school’s“a-g”courselist. On the UC application, the student must list the name of each online school at which he or she completed a course(s). Official academic records from the online school must either be sent to the student’s home school and added to the student’s record, or be sent to the campus where the student will enroll. We will accept online high school and college laboratory science courses if the course includes teacher-supervised, hands- on labs. UC does not accept online high school visual and performing arts courses, but college courses are acceptable.


These courses aren’t for any credit, nor do they fulfill any A-G requirements; they’re pretty much courses one can take for personal enrichment (for example, you can see, which offers a variety of free courses from many universities, among which are Ivy Leagues like Columbia and Brown).
You get a certificate of completion once you successfully finish the course.

As such, it’s not exactly a college course, but more like an online enrichment program one can complete that just happens to be offered by a college/university.

This is why I’m confused; I don’t believe they’d fit under non-AG “coursework,” but they do fit under the category of “programs or activities that have enriched your academic experiences or helped you to prepare for college. Such programs may provide information, counseling, tutoring or other service or offer academic enrichment, research opportunities or special study opportunities, such as study abroad” (the definition of “Academic Preparation Program”) in that they provide “academic enrichment,” but nothing that’s coursework-related.

I’m sorry I can’t do a better job of explaining MOOCs; the whole concept of these courses is relatively new, as I understand :frowning:
If you’d like, you can just scroll through to hopefully get an idea of what MOOCs are like; Canvas offers a short description of each course! :slight_smile: