More applicants or more applications?

<p>I keep reading about the astronomical number of applications some of the top schools have received. Is it really that so many more kids are applying to college this year, or are they just applying to more colleges? With the economy the way it is, we pushed D to apply to a good range of schools so we could compare costs (she applied to 14 schools). If many other families did this, then much of the increase in application numbers might not translate into very reduced acceptance rates (of course, whether the accpetance rate is 7% or 9% probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference). </p>

<p>I am trying not to wish D's last semester of HS away but I really need it to be April 1 soon.</p>

<p>my understanding is that this 2009 graduates and the 2010 class are the largest to ever apply to college. In addition the Common App. makes it easier to add to the volume. So it looks like both–more kids and easier access.</p>