<p>**Note to begin--> I wasn't sure if More Rigorous or Very Rigorous was the second highest guidance rating of course load..which ever is the second highest thats what i meant in the title</p>
<p>So I have a very rigorous course load (10 APs by the end of Senior year) but i've never taken Honors Spanish...Ill, at the end of HS, have taken Calc AB instead of BC...took AP Bio instead of AP Chem...never took AP Lang </p>
<p>will this hurt me in terms of getting into the top 15ish LACs? </p>
<p>10 APs not most rigorous!? What kind of school do you come from?!? LOL. </p>
<p>I think that should be fine that you did not take BC. If you're taking AB your senior year you can study the BC topics on your own and take the exam. I believe taking one AP science is still fine, as long as you took honors biology. My friend took honors chemistry, but isn't taking AP chemistry, and is instead taking AP Physics (gc said that is absolutely fine for top school). Did you take AP Literature? I know top colleges like to see an AP english, especially literature over language because it prepares you for college english. You can take the AP exam, or subject test if you don't take the class. I think you have a really rigorous course load (are you sure it's not "most?")</p>
<p>idk. i feel like at my school the kids that get into the top schools have 1) AP Spanish/French 2) AP Lang and 3) AP Chem (I took AP Bio my junior year instead...Physics B next year but next year their not offering C)</p>
<p>what's the difference between Physics B and C anyway? I mean I know the difference in curriculum, but do colleges view them differently? I'm taking Physics C next year, and I know that is more math based, but is it that someone geared toward engineering would take C and someone geared toward the sciences would take B?</p>
<p>AP Phys C is a nightmare at my school too. You have to apply to get in and pretty much only seniors get in. You must have taken B before, and have taken AP calc bc...</p>